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   There in the reading hall of the Arts department is organized the book exhibition “Dizain alemi” dedicated to the theme of modern design.
   For the first time the term "Design" appeared in the USA in 1928. The prehistory of design goes with its roots into the beginning of human history. For many centuries the article-spatial environment of man was hand-made and all the articles surrounding him were the result of minute and tedious labour of the handicraftsmen.
   Design is an especial kind of art which creates the world consisting of articles and not merely depicts it. One peculiarity of the function of design is the creation of gracefully and artistically made articles of consumption and things in harmony with the surrounding environment and also the constant creation of its new specimens.
Despite the novelty of the name, in essence design took place already in the times immemorial. The art of design uses multiple techniques serving for the liason between aesthetics and the consumer qualities of articles with the advantageous optimum constructions and technologies in manufacturing.
In the public-cultural life one can rarely meet a sphere where design isn’t used. Depending upon the ways of execution and the sphere of use, the art of design is subdivided into many kinds: industrial design, landscape design, graphic design, design of clothes, interior design, exterior design, furniture design, flower design, computer design etc.
   The art of design is constantly changing and developing with the modern times. In Kazakhstan the art of design is constantly supplemented with new features in accordance with the quickly changing conditions of life.
   The nomad culture became an integral part of national mentality. The phenomenon of regional style practically became enclosed with the nostalgia of tradition, with the quest for national ingenuity, with the efforts of establishing links between the times. It is not incidental that there grows the interest of designers to the culture of the nomads. First of all, the characteristics and paratemers of the steppe culture are inherent in the qualities of the product of design too. Secondly, the articles of the nomads for many centuries stood the test for such parameters like their maximum practical expediency, durability, lightness and comfort.
   There at the book exhibition is presented the literature and periodical editions on the history, development of the world and Kazakhstani design in all its variety from the fond of the National library of the RK.
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