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   There in the reading hall of “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition “Kazaktyn kaharman uly” dedicated to the 65-th birthday of the well-known cosmonaut, leutenant-general of aviation, chairman of the National airspace agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Talgat Musabayev.
   Musabayev Talgat Amangeldiyevich was born on January 7, 1951 in the village Kargaly of the Djambul district of the Almaty region. In 1968 he finished the Alma-Aty secondary school № 58, in 1974 – the Riga institute of engineers of civil aviation, in 1984 – the Almaty DOSAAF airo-club, in 1989 – the Ulyanovsk centre for the training of the flyer, dispatcher and engineer-techynical staff of aviation of the countries-members of the SEF, in 1993 – the Aktyubinsk higher military flying school.
   T.Musabayev is a flyer-cosmonaut, leutenant-general of aviation, doctor of science (technology), professor, corresponding member of the National academy of sciences of the RK, academician of the National engineer academy of the RK, academician of the International academy of astronautics, academician of the Internatioal academy of information, academician of the Russian academy of cosmonautics after K.E.Tsiolkovski, acadermician of the Russian academy of natural sciences.
   T.Musabayev started his labour activity in 1974 as and engineer on shift of the aviation and radio-electronic equipment of the Boraldai united aviation team for air communication of civil aviation. In 1976-1979 he is the instructor, senior instructor of the department of political-upbringing work of the Kazakh Department of civil aviation, in 1979-1987 – deputy commander of the 240-th flyer team on the political-upbringing work of the Alma-Ata aviateam, in 1987-1990 – second pilot, commander of the aircraft AN-2 at the Burundai united avia-team, in 1990-1991 – second pilot on probation, second pilot of the airplane TU-134 of the first flyer tea, of the Alma-Ata aviateam.
   He made his first space flight for 126 days from July 1 to November 4, 1994 at the spaceship “Soyuz TM-19” within the 16-th main expedition to the “Mir” station. He went out two times into outer space with the total time of 11 hours and 7 minutes.
He made his secondspace flight for 207,5 days from January 29 to August 25, 1998 at the spaceship “Soyuz TM-27” as the commander of the crew of the 25-th main expedition to the “Mir” station. During the second flight he went out 5 times into outer space with the total time of 30 hours and 8 vinutes. His third space flight T.Musabayev made from April 28 to May 6, 2001 at the transportation ship “Soyuz TM-32” for 7 days and 22 hours as the commander of the expedition for the visit to the international space station.
   For his merits Talgat Musabayev was awarded the titles “Flier-cosmonaut of the RF” (1994) and “Flier-cosmonaut of the RK” (1995), “Khalyk kaharmany” (1995). He is awarded with the orders “Friendship of the peoples” (1991), “The silver eagle” (Austria, 1991), “Otan” of the 1-st degree (1998), “Barys” of the 1-st degree (2001), “For the merits before Motherland” of the III and II degrees (1998, 2001), the medal of NASA “For space flights” (1998) and others. There were dedicated poststamps of Kazakhstan to the cosmonaut.
He is the champion of the USSR in higher pilotage in the team class, master of sport of the USSR in gymnastics and higher pilotage.
   There by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 3, 2015 for the cycle of works by the theme “The development of methods and technologies of space science for the formation of the space branch of the Republic of Kazakhstan” to T.Musabayev was awarded the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of science and technology after al-Farabi.
   There at the book exhibition are presented materials from the fond of the National library of the RK about the life and activity of the cosmonaut.

   We invite everybody to visit the book exhibition!
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