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   On January 27, 2016 at 11:00 hours there at the Exhibitions’ hall took place the memory evening and exhibition dedicated to the centenary of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov.
   The organizers: the National library of the RK, the Public Foundation “The Centre of education and culture after Kayum Mukhamedkhanov”.

   Kayum Mukhamedkhanov (January 5, 1916 – June 30, 2004) is a prominent scientist, expert on texts, the founder of the first state literary museum of Abai in Semipalatinsk city (1940), the founder of scientific Abai-studies and Shakarim-studies, the devoted pupil and compatriot of M.Auezov, poet, writer, dramaturgist, translator, the talented pedagogue-mentor and public figure.
   A member of the Writers’ Union of the USSR from 1940. He is the author of the text of the State hymn of the Kazakh SSR (1945), the Winner of the State prize of the RK (1996), Excellent figure of peopole’s enlightenment of the Kazakh SSR, Excellent figure of enlightenment of the USSR, Honorary citizen of Semipalatinsk city, of Ayaguz city, of the Zhanasemei and Abai disctricts of the Eastern-Kazakhstani region.
   He is a participant of the Great Patriotic war. The holder of many titles and awards: the Winner of the Golden Medal of the International Academy of Abai (London, 1995), the first Winner of the International prize of Abai of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan (1996), the first Winner of the Internationaql literary prize “Alash” of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan (1996), the Winner of the prize of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan.
   The life of ther scientist imbibed into itself the important milestones of our history in which he participated himself.
K.Mukhamedkhanov created the state Hymn of the KazSSR which sounded for several decades, he returned from oblivion many names of our history, he opened and preserved many manuscripts and works, in difficult expeditions to the distant places he determined and collected the exhibits and manuscripts, thus creating the basis for the opening of the first Abai museum. The scientist preserved the original word of Abai? Shakarim and Alash-Orda activists using the method of textological analysis, and he fought for the eternalization of their names and creative activity at the time when it was prohibited. His father Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov united the people around eternal values of culture and history, uniting the 19-th and 20-th centuries. The house of father of Kayum used to be visited by Abai and Shakarim, the pupils of Abai and Alash-Orda members, many other important persobalities of culture of the people. Kayum Mukhamedkhanov made a considerable contributionto science and culture of Kazakhstan and by continuing the spiritual-moral deeds of his father, connected the 20-th and 21-st centuries.
   After the scientist defended on April 7, 1951 the dissertation about the school of Abai’s pupils, there followed attacks on him followed by the arrest on December 1, 1951.
After going through the physical and moral torments in the prisons of the NKVD, he didn’t reject Abai’s school, he didn’t betray Auezov, for which he was sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment.
   “One lives only once. I was thinking then: What does my death mean when such people like tha Alash-Orda people perished?”
“Happiness is to be free, to speak the truth and not to be afraid of anything. This is the way to live. This is the main thing for man”.
   There in these opinions of Kayum are the power of spirit of man and citizen-patriot of the native land. For the contribution to science, for serving the people the scientist was awarded the State prize of the RK. There at the exhibition will be presented the works and manuscripts of the scientist, his notebooks, letters and archival documents reflecting the difficult way in the formation of Abai studies, Shakarim studies and Alash-studies.
   They include the Minutes of the defence of the dissertation in 1951, the tectological works, the documents of the repressions, the letters of the well-known people to Kayum, the manuscript of the short novel by N.Karamzin “Poor Liza” and others translated by him in Karlag using the poetical Kazakh style. There at the evening were performed songs by E.Chukumanov and his pupils – the students of the conservatoire, also there will be the aitys performers. There were demonstrated a slide-show and documentary films about the fate of the scientist.
   There in the activity participated scientists, intelligentsia representatives – A.Ismakova, A.Kodar, S.Azimov, M.Auzeov, U.Kadyrkhanuly, A.Espenbetov, S.Korabai, G.Kabyshuly, K.Madibayeva, E.Irgebai, S.Borbasov, M.Bulanbayeva, S.Iztleuova, M.Omirkhan, I.Irangaiyp, S.Smagulova.
   They told the audience аbout the scientific-cultural heritage and the significance of the spiritual-moral deeds of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov for the spiritual stability of the people.
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