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   There in the reading hall of the Arts department is organized the book exhibition “Tarlan talant” dedicated to the 70-th birthday of the composer, honored artiste of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kenes Dyuisekeyev.

   Dyuisekeyev Kenes was born on February 10, 1946 in the kolkhoz “Kzyl-Tu” of the Kazalinsk district of the Kzyl-Orda region in the family of the kolkhoz member. Kenes already in the secondary school learning to play the dombra wrote several kuyis and songs.
After finishing school he entered the Almaty musical school after P.I.Tchaikovski. From 1968 to 1974 he studied in the class of composition at the Almaty State conservatoire after Kurmangazy.  A member of the Composers’ Union from 1977. He was elected secretary and member of the Board of composers of Kazakhstan. After graduating from the Conservatoire he worked as chief conductor and musical leader of the Republican youth-variety ensemble “Gulder”.
   From 1976 to 1979 he is the musical leader of the performing-variety association “Kazakhconcert”. From 1979 he is chief editor of the musical editorial staff of the Kazakh TV, where under the leadership of K.Dyuisekeyev there are created the programms “Tamasha”, “Khalyk – talant kainary”, “Shabyt”, “Zhastarga arnalgan muzykalyk keshter”, “Muzyka aleminde” and others.
From 1984 passing the competition he is appointed artistic leader and chief conductor of the variety-symphonic orchestra of Gosteleradio of Kazakhstan. From 1997 Dyuisekeyev works as artistic leader of the performing-concert association “Kazakhconcert”.
In his creative activity Kenes Dyuisekeyev works in many genres of musical art. He wrote large pieces of music for the state collectives of the republic: “The symphony-concert” (1974), “The concert for the pipe with orchestra” (1977), “The poem for the symphonic orchestra” (1982), the symphony “Tolgau” (1984), “The symphonic poem-picture “Zhalantos-batyr” (1996), the cantata “O dunie” (1977), the symphony “Menin elim” (1998), “The poem-fantasy” for the pipe with symphonioc orchestra (1999), the works for the chamber orchestras, for the grand-piano: the sonata (1986), the rhapsody (1987), the variations (1990), the cycle of romances “The seasons of the year” (1991) and more than two hundred songs. Kenes Dyuisekeyev is on the way of expressing his individual creative ego. The composer is the winner of many international, all-Union and republican competitions.

   There at the exhibition are presented the materials about the life and creative activity of co0mposer K.Dyuiskeyev out of the fond of book, notation and periodical editions of the National library of the RK.

   We invite everybody to the book exhibition!

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