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   There in the reading hall of the Service “Kazakhstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition “Ak sagymdai sagynysh” dedicated to the 85-th birthday of the prominent Kazakh poet Mukagali Makatayev.

   Makatayev Mukagali Suleimenuly was born on February 9, 1931 in the village Karasaz of the Narynkol district (now Raiymbek) of the Almaty region. He began his labor activity in 1948 in the village Karasaz as secretary of the rural Soviet, worker of the Komsomol organs, literary worker of the district newspaper.
   The literary activity of M.Makatayev began in the district newspaper “Sovettyk shekara” (now “Khan taniry”), in 1954-1962 – the dictor at Kazakh radio, in 1962-1963 head of department of the newspaper “Kazak adebiyety”, a literary worker of the newspaper “Socialistyk Kazakstan” (now “Egemen Kazakstan”), in 1963-1965 a literary worker of the magazine “Madeniyet zhane turmys” (now “Parasat”), in 1965-1972 – head of department of poetry in the magazine “Zhuldyz”, in 1972-1973 – the literary consultant of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan.
   Mukagali Makatayev is a bright figure of Kazakh poetry  of the 60-70ss of the XX-th century. The first verses of the poet “Kyrman basynda”, “Koishy bala - Akitai” were published in 1948 in the newspaper “Sovettyk shekara”. After that there were published the collections of verses: “Armysyndar, dostar” (1966), “Karlygashym, keldyn be?”, “Akkular yuiktaganda” (1973), “Shuagym menyn” (1975) and others which entered the golden fond of Kazakh national poetry. The poems “Ilyich” (1964) and “The Moor” (1970) were dedicated to V.I.Lenin and K.Marx. He became well-known for the poem “Appasionata” (1962). The source of inspiration of Makatayev’s poetry were always his native land, the destiny of Motherland, the wind of the times, the dreams and hopes of the contemporaries.
   The high spiritualty of his artistic images expressed in a childlike manner the translucent clear soul and the fiery heart of the author himself. Many verses of the poet became songs by the composers N.Tlendiyev, Sh.Kaldayakov, D.Rakyshev, I.Zhakanov and others.
The literary capabilities M.Makatayev showed also in the sphere of artistic translation. He translated into the Kazakh language a number of works of Russian and foreign literature: of N.Tikhonov, E.Evtushenko, F.Morgunov, D.Aligyeri, W.Witman and W.Shakespeare.           
   Mukagali Makatayev died in 1976.

   In 1999 for the collection of verses “Amanat” M.Makatayev was posthumously awarded the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of literature and art. In the native land of the poet there is opened the house-museum. In Almaty city after him were named a school, a street and there was estavlished a monument of bronze (2002).

   There at the book exhibition are presented the materials from the fond of the National library about the life and creative activity of Mukagali Makatayev, his works, recollections of his friends and relations and also articles about him on the pages of the magazines.

   We invite everybody to the book exhibition!

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