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   On February 11, 2016 there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the scientific conference “Er tilegi – Mangilik el tilegi” and the presentation of the books “Kazaktyn kara maiory”, “Korol Pandjera” timed to the 25-th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
   Organizers: National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Association of organizations of the war veterans of Afghanistan “Veterany Kazakhstana”, the public fund “Saual”, the republican patriotic literary-cognitive magazine “Ult bolmysy”.

   The purpose of the conference: on the eve of the 25-th anniversary of the Independence of the country to consider and discuss the forms of propagation and upbringing of new Kazakhstani patriotism of the younger generation, modernization and propagation of the unitary essence of the “Mangilik el” idea and the notion of independence.
   There within the framework of the activity took place the presentation of the books “Kazaktyn kara maiory”, “Korol Pandjera” and also the awarding of specialists of different branches for the contribution into the development of the country with the honorary badge after B.Momyshuly and medals.
   There spoke: Bakytbek Smagul – Chairman of the Association of organizations of war veterans of Afghanistan “Beterany Kazakhstana”, Boris Kerimbayev – the hero of the war in Afghanistan, Kim Serikbayev – doctor of military science, professor, Ayagul Mirazova – director of the gymnasium № 159 after Y.Altynsarin, the public figure Asyly Osman and others.
   The moderator was the war veteran in Afghanistan, figure of culture Orynbassar Tazabekov.

   Participants: public figures, students of colleges and universities, mass-media representatives.

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