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   On February 26, 2016 there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the Panel named “The topical problems of teaching the Kazakh language”.

   The Institute of development of the state language by the order of the Committee of science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the grant financing for the years 2012-2014 prepared and published the five scientific works: “Kazirgy Kazak tilindegy sintaxistik paradigmalar”, “Zhumsalymdy grammarikanyn negizderi”, “Kazirgi egemen Kazakstandagy memlekettik tildyn kyzmet etuy men damuy”, “Turki tildery”, “Development and functioning of the state language in sovereign Kazakhstan”.
   There within the faremwork of the panel took place the presentation of the above-mentioned books and the specialists discussed the problems of teaching the Kazakh language to the Kazakh auditorium.
   There in Kazakh linguistics have not yet been determined the concrete limitations and volumes of its teaching as a subject.
For example, there at the agenda is still posed the question on how to present the grammar to the Russian auditorium, what is to be the garrmar of teaching the Kazakh language to the Kazakh auditorium (in the secondary schools, institutes, scientific environment). Is it right to teach the traditional grammar to the school children, students and post-graduates (subject plus predicate) similarly?
In our viewpoint only the reasonable combination in teaching the grammar and the assumption of grammatical phenomena while speaking  will help the teacher to form for the pupils the communicative skills and abilities. In precise sciences there is precision, when for instance in mathematics everything is clear when and at what level what is to be taught. In the beginner school the pupils study arithmetics, in the secondary school – algebra, in the colleges and universities – higher mathematics.
That’s why it would be quite useful to bring the same kind of precision into linguistics as well.

   The activity was opened by Deputy Director-General of the National library of the RK B.K.Ospanova. The moderator was deputy director of the Republican coordination-methodological centre for development of languages after Sh.Shayakhmetov Bizhomart Kapalbekov.

   There spoke: B.Kaliyev, K.Rysaldy, Zh.Zhakypov, Zh.Dauletbekova, T.Ermekova, O.Zhubayeva, S.Akymbek and others.
   For each participant there was issued a certificate and the named books.
   Participants: public figures, teachers of colleges and universities and secondary schoolos, mass-media representatives.

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