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   There in the reading hall of the Arts’ department is organized the book exhibition “Uigyr sazynyn bulbuly” dedicated to the 80-th birthday of the singer of modern songs, the people’s artiste of Kazakhstan Gulvira Raziyeva.

   Razieyva Gulvira Tursynovna is the first Uigur professional singer. She was born in Almaty. Her creative range embraces not only the performing sphere but also the pedagogical, acting, musical-public spheres of activity. During the 50-year period of the creative activity the singer made a great contribution into the development of the musical art of the republic.
   During the years of her professional activity G.Raziyeva is the soloist of the Kazakh state committee for broadcasting, the artiste of the Uigur theatre of musical drama and comedy, she actively cooperates with the State philharmonic society after Zhambyl. Her professional activity if conducive to the wide-scale propagation  of the best vocal works at the national Uigur, Kazakh, and world musical culture on different TV-channels, radio-stations, during the decades of art of the republic, the tours to different near and far foreign countries.
   There with the beginning of the activity of G.Razieyva are linked the first performances of the national traditional and modern Uigur musical classics. She became the creator of the images of the Uigur heroines – Anarkhan (the drama “Anarkhan”), Sanam (“Gerim-Sanam”), Gulchakhra (“Arshin Mal-Alan”) etc. For the first time in the theatre in her performing there sounded in original the arias of Nazugum from the same-named opera by the first national modern professional classics K.Kuzhamyarov, Sh.Shaimardanova, S.Isayev and others.
   Being at the sources of the birth of the Kazakh popular songs, as the soloist of radio and television, she was the first performer of the songs of the modern Kazakhstani composers  - L.Khamidi “Zhailau”, “Baksha zhainagan”, A.Beiseuov “Munaima”, “Syrlasu valsy”, Sh.Kalgayakov “Sagynyshym menyn”, “Gashyk kyunder”, M.Sagatov “Bile-bile”, E.Rakhmadiyev “Gashyk bakyty” and many others.
   There about the creative activity of G.Rasiyeva were created 7 films-concerts, and there into the golden Fond of Kazak radio entered 500 musical works in her performance. For the fruitful creative activity she was included into the book named “Azhar – 100 faces of women”, as a living legend of our times.
   At the same time G.Raziyeva is a talented mentor–pedagogue, whose pupils work in all the leading concert establishments of Kazakhstan. Many of them at the present time are prominent figures of culture not only of our republic, but also of China, Mongolia and other countries. She is awarded with the order “Parasat”.

   There at the book exhibition are presented the materials about the life and creative activity of Gulvira Razieyva from the fond of gramophone records, the book and periodical editions of the National library of the RK.

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