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   There in the reading hall of periodical editions is organized the exhibition dedicated to the 70-thbirthday of the Kazakhstani publishing house “Gylym - Nauka”.

   “Gylym - Nauka” is the publishing house founded in 1946 together with the Academy of sciences of the KazSSR in connection with the necessity of widening its own publishing-polygraphical base. For a long time the publishing house was within the structure of the Academy of sciences and was in double subordination – in that of the Presidium of the Academy of sciences of the KazSSR and the State Committee for press. From June, 1964 the publishing house is called “Nauka Kazakhskoi SSR”, from April 12, 1990 – “Gylym”. The first chairman of the editorial-publishing council was K.Satpayev, who contributed hugely in the establishment and development of the publishing house.

   During the first year of its existence the publishing house “Gylym” published 60 books, and in the 80-s of the XX-th c. annually it published up to 300 titles with the circulation of 1 mln.copies.
   “Gylym” issued tens of capital rsearches: the 13 volumes of the series “The soils of Kazakhstan”, the 12 volumes “The flora of Kazakhstan”, the 10 volumes of “The defining dictionary of the Kazakh language” (awarded the State prize of the RK), the 5 volumes “The birds of Kazakhstan”, the works of the winners of the Lenin and the State prizes of the RK, the academicians: K.Satpayev “The selected works” in 5 volumes, M.Aitkhozhin “The molecular mechanisms of the biosynthesis of the proteins of plants”, M.Kozybayev “Tarikh zerdesy” in 2 volumes and others. It publishes 9 scientific journals of the Academy of sciences in different branches.
   “Gylym - Nauka” is one of the largest publishing houses in the republic. It has its own polyhraphical base and the printing house. The books, brochures and articles in the magazines are published in the Kazakh, Russian, English and Uigur languages.

   There at the exhibition are presented the materials of the periodical press from the fond of the National library of the RK dedicated to the publishing house “Gylym - Nauka” and the materials published in different years.

   We invite everybody to the exhibition!

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