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   There in the hall for scientific workers "Kazakstan kitaptary" is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 85-th birthday of the well-known scientist-historian, doctor of science (history), professor, academician of the Academy of sciences of Kazakhstan Manash Kozybayev.

   Kozybayev Manash Kabashevich was born on November 16, 1931 in the village of Itsary of the Mendygarinskiy district of the Kostanai region. In 1947 he finished the Mendygarinskiy pedagogical school after I.Altynsarin. In 1947-1948 he worked as a teacher of the Ulguli secondary school of the Kostanai region.
   In 1953-1958 he graduated from the faculty of history of the Kazakh state university after S.M.Kirov (bow the KazNU after al-Farabi), he led the scientific-pedagogical work in the Kostanai pedagogical institute, in 1958-1974 he is the senior scientific worker, scientific secretary of the Institute of history of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.
   M.Kozybayev defended the candidate dissertation  by the theme: “The experience of the Communist party of Kazakhstan in the leadership of the industry and transport during the period of the Great Patriotic war” (1962), the doctoral dissertation by the theme: “The Communist party of Kazakhstan during the period of the Great Patriotic war” (1969).
   In 1974-1980 M.Kozybayev is the head at the chairs in the Almaty zoo-veterinary institute and the Institute for qualification upgrading of teachers of social sciences at the Kazakh state university after S.M.Kirov, in 1980-1985 – chief editor of the editorial board of “Kazakh soviet encyclopaedia”, member of the editorial board of “Greater Soviet encyclopaedia”, in 1985-1988 – head of department of Historiography at the Institute of history and archeology after Ch.Ch.Ualikhanov of the Academy of Sciences of the Kaz.SSR, in 1988 – director of the Institute of history and ethnology after Ch.Ch.Ualikhanov of the National Academy of sciences of the RK. Corresponding member of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1979), academician of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1989).
   M.Kozybaeyv was one of the first who made a considerable contribution into the liquidation of “the white spots” in the history of Kazakhstan. In many instances his merit is in that there for the scientific community and the wide public became known the tragedy of the 1930-s which fell upon the Kazakh people. His scientific works on the history of the Great Patriotic war, in which there is reflected the outstanding contribution of the Kazakh people to the victory over fascism, present by themselves a deep scientific analysis of the sources of uniting of the multinational people of the USSR in the crucial periods of world history. M.Kozybayev is the author of the textbooks and manuals on the history of Kazakhstan which are still topical at the present time as well. Many works of Kozybayev are translated into the languages of the peoples of the CIS, were published in the USA, Russia, China, Bulgaria, Germany, Ukraine, Japan, Iran and other countries. Manash Kozybayev was a permanent participant of international conferences and congresses.

   M.Kozybaeyv paid great attention to the scientific-pedagogical work. He is the author of more than 800 scientific and scientific-popular works, 30 monographs. Under his scientific leadership there was prepared a whole pleiad of talented scientists, more than 60 doctors and candidates of science. 
   He is the winner of the prize after Ch.Ch.Ualikhanov (1970), State prize of the RK (1995), the Presidential prize for peace and spiritual concord (1997). He is an honored figure of science of the Kaz.SSR (1986). He is awarded with the order “Parasat” (2001). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kaz.SSR of the XI-th convocation (1990-1993).

   Manash Kozybayev died on January 31, 2002 in Almaty city.
   There at the book exhibition are presented the editions from the fond of the National library of the RK about the life and activity of M.K.Kozybaeyv, his scientific works, monographs and articles in the periodical editions.

   You are welcome to the book exhibition!

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