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   There in the reading hall of the Arts department is organized the book exhibition named “Synnan syr tyuigen sheber” dedicated to the 70-th birthday of the theatre critic, translator, pedagogue, professor Ashirbek Sygai.

   Sygai Ashirbek Torebaiuly was born in Kentau town of the Southern-Kazakhstani region. In 1969 he finished the actor department (the class of professor Kh.Bukeyeva) of the Almaty conservatoire; in 1979 the post-graduate course of the State institute of theatre art (GITIS) in Moscow. In 1974-1978 he worked as head of department of the affairs of arts of the Ministry of culture of Kazakhstan; in 1979-1983 – at the department of culture of the Central Committee of Kazakhstan; in 1983-1988 – deputy minister of culture of Kazakhstan. In 1989-1991 A.Sygai headed the Almaty theatre-artistic institute, inh 1991-1994 he executed the duties of the 1-st deputy minister of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Beginning from 1994 he is professor of the faculty of art study. From 2003 he is the representative of the Ministry of culture, information and sport of Kazakhstan in Almaty city.
   A.Sygai is the author of books, articles and publications dedicated to the history of Kazakhstani theatre, creative activity of the actors of theatre and cinema. The author in all his books, articles and publication writes with love about the history of establishment and development of Kazakh theatrical art.
   Her is the author of the books: “Inkar shak” (1978), “Syrsandyk” (1981), “Sakhnaga sapar” (1991), “Zharnama aldyndagy oi” (1993),       “Sakhna sanlaktary” (1998; State prize of Kazakhstan), “Talgam” (2004), “Taldykorgan teatry” (2005) and others.
He translated into the Kazakh language the works of such authors like: V.I.Ezhov (“The nightingale night”), O.Sh.Ioseliani (“When the cart overturned”), Zh.B.Molier (“The marriage against one’s will”), K.Goldoni (“The funny happening”) and others.
   For the considerable contribution into the development of theatrical art he was awarded with the order of “Kurmet” (2004), honored figure of arts of Kazakhstan (1989). Honored citizen of Kentau town (1997) and Turkestan city (2001).
   There at the book exhibition are presented the materials about the life and creative activity of Ashirbek Sygai from the fonds of the National library of the RK.
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