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   There in the hall of world literature is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 150-th birthday of the Spanish writer Blasco Ibanez Vicente.

   Blasco Ibanez Vicente is one of the greatest Spanish writers of the XX-th century. The outstanding social novelist, the younger representative of the pleiad of writers-realists of the second half of the XIX-th century. It was namely Blasco Ibanez who brightly embodied in his creative activity the principles of democratic criticism of reality. The biography of Blasco Ibanez is very saturated and multi-faceted. The writer was born on January 29, 1867 in Valencia in the family of a merchant. After he finished the gymnasium due to the desire of the parents he entered the faculty of law. But after he left the native city and settled in Madrid he devoted himself to journalistics and literature.
   When he was already young he started to actively participate in the political life, joining the republicans for which he was convicted many times.
   In literature Blasco Ibanez became the follower of the traditions of regional prose. The first novels of Blasco Ibanez – “Rice and the cart” (1884), “The May flower” (1895), “The village” (1889) – depict the life of his native land. Much attention Blasco Ibanez devoted to the portraying of the folk characters, everyday life of small merchants, fishermen and peasants. The next stage in the creative activity of Blasco Ibanez are the novels “The cathedral” (1903), “The dead order” (1904), “The wine store” (1905), “Blood and sand” (1908). After travelling to Latin America Blasco Ibanez wrote two “American” novels: “The Argonauts” (1914) – about the emigrants and “The land for all” (1912) – about the life of the Argentinian pampa.
   A special place in the literary heritage of the writer are occupied by the novels about the First world war (1914-1918): “The four men on horseback of the Apocalypse” (1916), “Our sea” (1918), “The enemies of the woman” (1919). Besides the novels the writer during his long creative activity wrote also stories such as “The sad spring”, “The whistle”, “In the sea”, “The clerk”, “The convicted woman” and others. A special place among the works of the writer is occupied by the novel “The courtesan Sonnica” (1900).
   In the last years of his life the writer created the political pamphlets “The disclosed Alfonse XII” (1924), the utopian novel “The women’s paradise” (1922) and also a cycle of novels dedicated to the discovery and conquering of America.
   The writer died on January 28, 1928 in France in exile one day before his birthday.

   There at the book exhibition from the fond of the National library of the RK are presented the books of the author of different years of editions in different languages of the world and also an interesting selection of literature about the creative activity of Blasco Ibanez Vicente.

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