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   There in the reading hall of «Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 90-th birthday of the bibliographer, scientist, literary worker Ushkoltai Khasenovna Subkhanberdina.

   Subkhanberdina Ushkoltai was born on January 15, 1927 in the Bayanaul district of the Pavlodar region. In 1948 she graduated from the philological faculty of the Kazakh state women’s pedagogical institute.

   U.Subkhanberdina began her labour activity in 1952 at the Central scientific library of the Academy of sciences of the Kazakh SSR as a bibliographer, head of department of manuscripts and rare books. In 1964 she defended the candidate dissertation by the theme “Kazaktyn revolyutsiyadan buryngy merzimdi baspasyozi zhane kyorkem adebiyery. XIX g.ayagy – XX g.basy”. In 1966-1973 she is the senior scientific worker of the department of manuscripts and textology of the Institute of literature and art after M.O.Auezov of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, in 1973-1982 she is the head of department of the laboratory of Fono-Foto, in 1982-1999 – the senior scientific worker of the Centre of textology and manuscripts.
   The works of U.Subkhanberdina, which marked the beginning of the new stage in Kazakh literature study, and mainly connected with the researches in the sphere of pre-revolutionary Kazakh periodical editions, were used as the textbooks for the students of the philological faculties of the higher study establishments of the country. Today her book are bibliographical rarities: “The articles and letters upon the pages of “Aikap” (1961), “The materials published upon the pages of pre-revolutionary press”. In 1976 there comes out the collection of lyrical-epic poems by the Oriental plots “Gashyk-name”, in 1986 – “The Kazakh books” and “The lyrical-epic dastans”.
   The main contents of the scientific researches of U.Subkhanberdina are the annotated bibliographies. Her works are not limited only to the collection of facts and with their bibliographical fixation, the author gives her estimation to the problems of the idea trends of the periodical press, underlines its great progressive significance for the times. She published a number of articles about the Kazakh periodical press which are a great contribution into the history of Kazakh literature of Kazakhstan.
   U.Subkhanberdina died on June 19, 2008 in Almaty city. One street in Astana city was named after her.

   There at the book exhibition out of the fond of National library of the RK are presented materials about the life and activity of U.Subkhanberdina, her scientific works, articles upon the pages of the periodical press and the recollections of her relatives and colleagues at work.

   We invite everybody to the book exhibition!

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