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   On June 12, 2017 there at National library of the RK took place the solemn opening of International Literary Biennale with the support of: Administration of the President of the RK, Chancellory of the Prime-Minister of the RK, the Ministry of culture and sport of the RK, the Ministry of foreign affairs of the RK, the Ministry of information and communications of the RK, the National commission of the RK on affairs of UNESCO and ISESCO, Representation of Department of public information of UNO, Honorary chairman of the Republican movement “Ak Orda” Kairat Satybaldyuly.

   International Literary Biennale is carried out within the framework of a cycle of cultural activities dedicated to EXPO-2017. The theme of Biennale is “Influence of writers upon spiritual horizon of society. Steady development of the world.”
   The purpose of Biennale is to show that it is topical not only to strengthen the economic interaction, but using the potential of the literary workers, make a contribution into the further widening of spiritual horizon of society.
   Biennale is a platform for international literary exchange where the main principle will be respect to the multiformity of world cultures and equal communication between the authors of different countries. Biennale will show Kazakhstan as a model of society, in which the peoples with different national cultures, mentality are quite capable to coexist with each other and establish constructive relations which grow into the relations of friendship and spiritual affinity.
   There in Biennale participate representatives from 24 countries of the world, it is more than 40 foreign guests.
   The activity was opened by Executive secretary of the Ministry of sport and culture of the RK Ualiyev Kuatzhan Serikkazyyevich, who read the Address of the State secretary of the RK Gulzhara Abdikalykova and the Minister of culture and sport of the RK Arystanbek Mukhamediuly.
   There with the word of greeting spoke: Representative of the Department of public information of UNO Vlastimil Samek, deputy General director on the issues of foreign relations and public information of UNESCO Eric Falt, Plenipotentiary for special assignments of General director of ISESCO Tazhiyev Askar, General secretary of TURKSOI Kaseyinov Dyuisen.
   There were awarded with the medals “Kitap madeniyetine koskan zor yilesi yushin” the well-known writers and figures of cultures: member of the Writers’ Union of the People’s Republic of China, writer – Akpar Mazhit; director of the Otrar scientific universal library of the Southern-Kazakhstani region Aidarbekova Kuliya; director of the Book trading house “Biblio-Globus” Esenkin Boris; President of the International Korean Pen-club Li Gil Wong; head of department of manuscript heritage of the Ministry of culture and tourism of Turkey Kutan Husein.
   There at the ceremony spoke: on behalf of the Muftiyat of the RK deputy Supreme mufti – sheikh Makhammad Alsabekov, academician Sultan Sartayev, director of the National Academic library of the RK Munalbayeva Umitkhan.
   The memorable gifts in the form of national chapans were given to People’s artiste of the USSR and Kazakhstan Asanali Ashimov, Kaseyinov Dyuisen, Smagul Elubai, Iran-Gaiyp Orazbayev, Nurlan Orazalin.
   The moderators: poet, Winner of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Orazalin and poet and public figure Olzhas Suleimenov.
   During the work of Biennale there also spoke well-known Kazakhstani and foreign writers.




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