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   On June 13, 2017 there at the National library of the RK within the framework of International literary biennale took place the panel for library specialists “The role of the libraries of Kazakhstanh in the modernization of public consciousness”, where there was presented the library republican project “Common land – common language”.

   The moderator of the panel – deputy director of National library of the RK Yussupova A.Kh.
   There with the word of greeting spoke  director of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh.T.Seidumanov. In his speech he noted the merits of director of the Southern-Kazakhstani regional universal scientific library “Otyrar” Aidarbekova Kuliya Smailkhanovna, who at the solemn ceremony of the opening of Biennale was awarded with the medal “Kitap madeniyetine koskan zor yuiles yuishin”, since she is the winner of the prize after G.Musrepov for the book “Abaga tagzym”, announced by magazine “Zhalyn”.
   The panerl began its work from the introduction of all participants.
   The word for the presentation of the republican library project “Ortak otan – ortak til” (“Common land – common language”) was given to the Kazakhstani writer, the author of the popular three-volume work “The situational Kazakh language” Tasibekov K.G. the main theme of the panel was the issue of transferrence of the Kazakh written language  onto the Latin script in the libraries of the republic.
   There with the information on the given issue spoke candidate of science (history) Nurpeyis T.A.
   There at the panel were also discussed the issues of national standards of the RK, about the Centre of certification, about the preparation of cadres  for the librarianship business, about the modern state of the libraries of Kazakhstan and other questions. The report on the National standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan for information, kibrary and publishing business was presented by the leading specialist of the National state Book chamber Derbisalina B.A. The information about the higher and secondary-special education at the higher educational establishments of Kazakhstan was given by the specialist of the Scientific-methodological service Azretbergenova E.Zh.
   There with the brief review “The modern state of the libraries of Kazakhstan” spoke deputy director for scientific work Yussupova A.Kh.
   In conclusion of the panel there to the Almaty regional universal scientific library after S.Seifullin as the winner of the republican competition “Okyrmany ozyk olke” in 2016 were given 10 copies of the magazine “Kitap zhane kitapkhana. Kniga i biblioteka. Book and library”, and to all the regional and city libraries there were donated books.



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