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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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   On September 19, 2017 at 15:00 hours there in the Hall of E.Tursunov took place the presentation of the book “Kazakh instrumental music from the kyui to the symphony” by  the honored figure of arts of the RK, the known musical expert and critic, active propagator of folk music, researcher and ebaluator of the creative activity of Kazakhstani composers, the teacher of the musical study establishments, the author of musical radio and TV-programmes – Yuriy Petrovich Aravin.

   The book consists of five parts. The first one is dedicated to ethnical musical culture. In it the author gives the classification  and characteristics of the Kazakhfolk musical instruments. The second part contains 30 essays about the life and creative activity of the Kazakh composers of the 1930-1980-s. the third part the author dedicates to the issues of programity of folk instrumental music and traces the everyday life of its traditions in the creative activity of the Kazakh composers of the XX-th century. Of especial interest is the fourth part, in which the author acquaints the reader with his own conception if the genesis of metro-rhythm of Kazalh dombra music born from the very life of the nomad, - “with the rhythm of the running of his horse”. The book is accomplished by meditations about some tendencies in the modern musical art.
   The book is addressed to the wide circle of readers, for the professionals – musicians , teachers, enlighteners, lecturers and journalists as well as for the sincere admirers of Kazakh ethnical and modern music.
   There at the activity were performed the kyuis of the Kazakh people, the music performed on kobyz and other musical numbers.
   There at the evening were present the professional musicians – the folk performers, representatives of the conservatoire after Kurmangazy, the well-known art experts and the musical community of the city.


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