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   On Aughust 28, 2017 there in the hall after N.Dauletova took place the city conference dedicated to the Constitution Day by the theme “The constitutional reform is the way for modernization” with the participation of lawyers, historians, politicians, public figures, representatives of atste and legal organs.

   There within the work of the conference were discussed the issues on amendments to the Constitution of the RK in 2017, the transferrence of a number of legislative powers of President to the Parliament and the Government, which considerably raise the flexibility of state management, increase surveilance over the observation of laws, provide equality of the sides and competitiveness of judicial process, develop local administration, oncrease responsibility of Government before Parliament. The work of the conference is directed upon further development of democracy and modernization of Kazakhstani society within the light of Constitutional reform.
   There within the framework of the activity out of the fonds of National library of the RK was organized the exhibition “Constitution as the guarantee of stability and prosperity of the people of Kazakhstan” and “Scientific works of Kazakhstani scientists-rescuers during the period of 1999-2015”.
   Organizers: public foundation “Centre of education and culture after Kayum Mukhamedkhanov” with the support of the department of internal policy of Akimat of Almaty city.
   Moderator: doctor of science (politics), professor of institute of social-humanitarian education at KazNAU S.Borbasov.
   There spoke: professor of Acadmey of military sciences D.Abdraimov, head of Depratment of Public prosecution office of Almaty city R.Turbashev, doctor of science (politics) S.Musatayev and others.

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