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The press-release
Daik-Press Publishers and Institute of Oriental Studies of Kazakhstan have published:

  Mahmud al-Kashgari, Diwan Lugat at-Turk (“Turkic Lexicon”), translated with Introduction by Zifa-Alua Auezova and Index by Robert Ermers, Almaty “Daik-Press” 2005. ISBN 9965-699-74-7.
  Diwan Lughat at-Turk composed by a Turkic scholar Mahmud al-Kashghari in the XI c. is one of the most remarkable sources of knowledge related to history of Central Asian civilizations. In extensive academic discussions of 1960-80s it was referred to primarily as an oldest lexicographical source. However, recent developments in societies identifying themselves with Turkic culture put forward a quest for tracing up the “roots” of Turks in a wider context. Diwan contains much interesting information and concepts that might be helpful in understanding some aspects of self-identification and culture of Turkic tribes in a broader sense.
  Diwan was conceived as a book demonstrating richness and versatility of language and culture of Turkic tribes, whose military triumph in the X-XI cc. led to concentration of considerable political power by Turks within the borders of Islamic world. For Turks this was the early period of their identification with Islam. Judging by the contents of Diwan and its dedication to Abbasid khalif al-Muqtadi particularly, through his book Mahmud al-Kashghari intended to introduce Turks and their culture to the “Islamic World”.
  Following the example of Arabs, who considered their language, the language of Qur’an, to be most valuable element of their culture, al-Kashghari chose the language of Turks as means for introduction their culture and values to those who had not been familiar with them.
  Being the earliest known Turkic book written in Arabic, Diwan Lughat at-Turk was composed as a Turkic-Arabic lexicon, where Turkic words were presented in Arabic transliteration and provided with translation and comments on etymology, contexts and various possibilities of their use.
  In the eyes of the author “Turkic dialects keep pace with Arabic like two horses in a race”: in order to prove that the language and poetry of Turks was not inferior to those of Arabs, Mahmud al-Kashghari generously quotes proverbs and fragments of ancient Turkic verses in various genres, which had been familiar to Islamic readers from Arab literature.
  Present edition contains the first complete translation of Diwan Lughat at-Turk into the Russian, made by Zifa-Alua Auezova from its original in Arabic, introductory chapter dedicated to various aspects of al-Kashghari’s perception of Turkic culture on the early stage of its islamization, and index of Turkic words compiled by Robert Ermers.
  The translation was based on the facsimile edition of the manuscript of Diwan Lugat at-Turk, published by the Ministry of Culture of Turkey in 1990.
  For orders and more information, please write to Bolat Kazgulov, Daik-Press Publishers, 050010 Almaty, 29 Kurmangazy str., or e-mail:, or call at:7)3272613275 and 7)3272612835.
  On September 15, 2006 Educational Center Bilim-Central Asia, National Library of Kazakhstan and Mukhtar Auezov Museum are holding the presentation of this book. Presentation will take place at 11am in the Museum of Mukhtar Auezov in Almaty, 185 Tulebayev str. (corner of Kurmangazy str.).
For more information: 67-28-79, 67-28-83

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