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    On February 28, 2006 the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Foundation for assistance in development of cultural centres of the Russian Federation abroad presented to the Kazakhstani mass-media at the press-conference the Russian-Kazakhstani project – the creation of the Centre of Russian research on the territory of the NLRK and signed the Agreement for the implementation of the given project.
       Today the project has been implemented as embodied by the opening of the Centre of Russian research.
      There in the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan successfully operate the cultural centres of China, India and Iran.
        The Centre of Russian research as well as the afore-mentioned centres, was created with the purpose of deepening mutual understanding and strengthening friendship between the peoples of Kazakhstan and Russia, wide-spreading information about the Russian Federation, the peoples that populate it, its legislation, state structure, business, science, history, culture and art. The initiators and sponsors of the given project are the Federal agency on culture and cinematography of the RF and the Foundation of the first president of Russia B.N.Eltsin.
         There in the Centre is presented the best topical literature of Russia in all branches of science (more than 1000 titles), the full-text data-base “The press of Russia” (more than 100 titles).
         The National library having in its richest fonds more than 3 mln. Russian editions, presents at the opening of the Centre the unique collection of albums by the theme “The culture and art of Russia” and also books about Pushkin in the Kazakh language on the occasion of the Year of Pushkin in Kazakhstan.
          The opening of the Centre takes place within the framework of the III-rd “Eurasia” international cinema festival, within the framework of which there will take place creative meetings with the prominent figures of Russian cinematography. During these warm autumn days the participants of the festival from Russia will become guests of the National library as well.
         And of course, the National library of the RK welcomes the immediate organizers and participants of the project: Trifonenko Mary Emilyanovna, the chairman of the Board of the Foundation for assistance in development of cultural centres of the Russian Federation abroad, the head of the Centre of oriental literature of the Russian state library and Melanyina Marina Vladimirovna, the head of the project and head of the sector of literature in the languages of the CIS countries of the Centre of oriental literature of the RSL, Mantusov Vladimir Badminovich, the executive director of the Foundation of the first president of Russia B.N.Eltsin and the representative of the Federal agency on culture and cinematography of the Russian Federation.
            The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Foundation for assistance in development of cultural centres of the Russian Federation abroad are sure that the given joint project will bring its good fruits and will be conducive to multilateral friendship of the peoples of Kazakhstan and Russia and their prosperity.
                        More information by tel.: 67 28 83 (Reception)

                        67 28 74 (The International relations department)

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