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   On October 19, 2017  there in the Hall after N.Dauletova took place the Day of open doors named “My profession – my pride”, dedicated to the professional holiday – the Day of libraries of Almaty city.

   The Day of libraries of Almaty city is celebrated annually by the decision of the Akim of Almaty city from 1999.
There in this activity participated  the student and pupils, teachers of the library faculties of colleges and universities: the Kazakh national university after al-Farabi, the Kazakh state women’s pedagogical university, the Kazakh national conservatoire after Kurmangazy, the Kaskelen college of culture.
   There within the framework of the Day of open doors at the round table were discussed
the issues pertaining to the role of the libraries in the development of culture of our country. The students of the universities and colleges read literary excerpts from the works of the Kazakh classics.
Also there at the specialized book exhibition were presented the methodological and study manuals in librarianship of Kazakhstan and other countries.
   There for the participants of the Day of open doors were organized the excursion by the structural sub-divisions of National library of the RK and the cultural programme. For the heightening of erudition there for the students was carried out the quiz game,
those who rightly answered the questions received the prizes in the form of books.
   The activity was accompanied by the musical numbers of the masters from Kazakh state conservatoire after Kurmangazy.
   The activity was opened by deputy director of National library of the RK A.Kh.Yussupova.
   The moderator was the journalist-host Nursultan Eszhan.
   There spoke: deputy director of National library of the RK B.K.Ospanova, teacher from Kazakh state women’s pedagogical university G.I.Nurzhanova and others.




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