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The literary competition for the best novel in a modern theme
(in the Kazakh language)
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Parts – the land, the language and the culture
On the birthday of the classic of Kazakh literature Mukhtar Auezov – September 28 there in the NLRK took place the press-conference dedicated to the announcement of the literary competition for the best novel оn a modern theme (in the Kazakh language) within the framework of “The open readings in memory of Mukhtar Auezov”.
The National library of the RK and the “Rukh-Miras” Public association with the support of “Samsung Electronics” company carry out from 2004 literary competitions: on short stories, essays, translations (2004), theatrical dramaturgy (2005), modern Kazakh prose (2006) that produce a notable influence upon the development of modern Kazakhstani literary process.      
The purpose of the Competition 2006 is to attract public attention to the state of modern Kazakh novel, to be conducive to the active development of prose, to the shrewd understanding of writers of socially significant problems of national reality by depicting colorful literary characters that unfold against the background of conflicts, psychological and moral collisions typical for the modern stage.
 The task of the Competition is to impart an impulse for the appearance of new interesting works, the attraction into big prose of talented writers, the publication оf bright creations with topical problems raised.
The works of the participants of the Competition are accepted by the organizing committee till March 1, 2007. During this period there will be carried out panels, press-conferences, discussions, book-illustrative exhibitions, a master-class on the poetics of prose, creative meetings, sessions of the commission, the analysis and selection of best works, the annotation, editing and publication of the novel of the winner of the competition.
The authority jury on May 25, 2007 will announce the winners of the competition for the three prize places.
There in the press-conference will participate the jury, the members of which are well-known writers, critics, literary scholars and also representatives of “Samsung Electronics” company, the Union of writers of Kazakhstan, mass-media, the organizing committee of the Competition and the National library of the RK.
Address: Almaty city, Abai av.14
Telephones for details: 72-31-30, 67-28-83   
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