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   There in the reading hall “Kazakhstan kitaptary” in the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan if Almaty city is organized the book exhibition named “The wisdom and strength of the talent” dedicated to the 80-th birthday of the well-known Kazakhstani poet, essayist, prosaic Adolf Alfonsovich Artsishevskiy.

   Adolf Alfonsovich Artsishevskiy was born on January 17, 1938 in Prokopyevsk (Kuzbass). He graduated from the KazGU (today the Kazakh national university after al-Farabi) and the Higher literary courses at the Literary institute after Gorkiy (Moscow, 1981). He is a member of the Writers’ Union, of the PEN-club, the Union of journalists, the Theatrical figures’ Union and the Cinematographers’ Union.
   He worked as editor in the “Zhalyn” publishing house, was the head of the literary department in the republican TUZ and in the academic Russian theatre of drama after Lermontov, was chief editor of the first Kazakhstani serial “Perekrestok” at Kazakhfilm and
the magazine “New era”.
A.Artsishevskiy is the author of the verses, short novels and novels – “I am looking for the legacy”, “The land where we live”, “The interesting lessons”, “Like the garden in the valley”, “The letters on birchbark”, “The simple truths”, “Can’t live without you. The verses and prose about love”, “The regiment of special assignment”, “The day among summer”, “The etudes about doctors and pharmaceutists”, “The portrait of the modern man in the interior of the epoch”, “The indomitable epoch”, “The premonition of love”, “Once upon a time after the war”. He wrote a documentary novel-essay about the writer and journalist Bigeldy Gabdullin.
   He translated the works from Kazakh of Iliyas Esenberlin, Akim Tarazi, Kalikhan Iskakov, BakkozhaMukayev, Dulat Isabekov. He had the honour to be first editor of the well-known book of Olzhas Suleimenov “Za i Ya” (1975). In December, 2004 there in the theatre after Lermontov took place the premiere of the play by the play of Dulat Isabekov
“The networks of the devil (The life of Mikhail Bulgakov)” translated by Adolf Artsishevskiy.
   At the present time he works as reviewer on culture of the newspaper “Central Asia Monitor”.
   There at the book exhibition out of the fond of National library of the RK are presented
the works of fiction of the writer.

   We invite you to the book exhibition!

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