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   There in the reading hall “Kazakhstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition “Bakkozha biikteri”, dedicated to the 70-th birthday of the prominent writer, dramaturgist, winner of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mukai Bakkozha Seidinuly.

   Bakkozha Mukai was born on January 31, 1948 in the aul Narynkol of the Raiymbek district of the Almaty region. After finishing secondary school after Abai he entered the faculty of journalistics of the Kazakh state university (now the Kazakh national university after al-Farabi).
   He began his labour activity in 1965 in the Kegen district newspaper “Kommunizm nury” and in the Narynkol district newspaper “Sovettyk shekara”. From 1970 to 1988 he worked in
the magazines “Bilim zhane enbek”, “Zhuldyz”, in the apparatus of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan. From 1990 to 1995 he was chief editor repertoire-editorial collegiate, head of department of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 1995 up to the last days of his life he was chief editor of the magazine “Parasat”. He made a considerable contribution into the development of Kazakh journalistic and book-publishing business. 
   B.Mukai is the author of the novels “The lonely traveller” and “Omirzaya”, and also of
the prosaic books “When the rain comes”, “The course of the life”, “The song of the swan”, “The restless summer”, “The fleeting life”, “The night of predestination”, “The first love”,
“The seven winds”, “The fairy-tale tomorrow”.
   There into Russian were translated and saw the light his books “The whirlpool” (1984),
“The white bird” (1988). The plays “The whirlpool”, “Good-bye, my fairy-tale”,
“The gentlemen of fortune”, “For somebody’s life”, “The fleeting world”, “The end of
the world”, “The flowers for Raushan”, “The night of predetermination”, “The fleeting life” were staged in many theatres of Kazakhstan and abroad. 
   In 1982 for the dramatic works “Good-bye, my fairy-tale” and “The song of the swan” he was awarded the winner of the prize of the Leninist Komsomol of Kazakhstan, in 1995 he received the literary prize of Kyrgyzstan, and in 2000 for the novel “The fleeting life” he became
the winner of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
   He is awarded the order of “Kurmet” and the medal “Eren enbegi yushin”.
   Mukai B.  died on January 6, 2008 in Almaty city.
   There at the book exhibition from the fond of National library of the RK are presented
the materials about the life and creative activity of B.Mukai, his novels and other works,
the recollections of his friends and relations on the pages of the periodical press.
   We invite everybody to the book exhibition!
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