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   There in the reading hall “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition named “Umytylmas tarich”, dedicated to May 9 – the Victory Day.

   The Great Patriotic war was a great trial for all the peoples of the former Soviet Union, including the Kazakh people. Many years have elapsed since the war ended, but this theme still worries and touches upon the feelings and the memory of the people.
   The Kazakhstanis actively participated in the Great Patriotic war and many of them voluntarily left for the front. They found themselves in the very heat of the war: under Moscow,
in Stalingrad, to the Kursk arch. Many Kazakhstanis participated in the liberation of Europe and the storming of Berlin. They bravely fought at the battlefields, more than 500 of them became the heroes of the Soviet Union and four of them became twice heroes: T.Bigeldinov, S.Luganskiy, L.Beda and I.Pavlov. A.Moldagulova and M.Mametova were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
   The rest of the Kazakhstanis were laboring selflessly at the rear. A great role the country played o0n the provision of the front with military equipment , food products, clothes. There to Kazakhstan were evacuated many factories and plants. Practically all the enterprises started
the production of defence production. In the hardest conditions the women, old people and children provided the soldiers at the front with all the necessary things.
    All the hardships of the war were carried out upon their shoulders by the ordinary soldiers and officers. Without sparing their lives, they won in this war and put the banner of Victory over
the Reichstag. Among those who took Berlin and were the first who entered the Reighstag there were Kazakhstanis, one of the first were the lieutenant Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev and
the ordinary soldier Grigoriy Bulatov from the 674-th shooters regiment.
   With the unforeseen cruelty and pain, the unforgetable losses, disruptions and grief were filled the 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic war. Nobody and nothing can diminish
the grandiloquence of the feat of the Soviet people and the world-historical significance of the victory over fascism.
   On May 9, 1945 in all the corners of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with the joyful news came the long-awaited word “Victory!”
   There at the book exhibition out from the fond of the National library of the RK are presented the materials about the Great Patriotic war, about the role of Kazakhstan in the years of the war, the recollections about the battle feats of the Kazakhstani soldiers, the military memoirs, the photographic albums, the novels and short stories of the Kazakhstani authors etc.

   We invite everybody to the book exhibition!    

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