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   On June 19, 2018 at 15:00 hours there took place the solemn activity dedicated to the naming of the Hall of scientific workers after Umirzak Makhmutovich Sultangazin at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

   Umirzak Makhmutovich Sultangazin is a prominent scientist-mathematician, academician of the National academy of sciences of the RK, creator of the Kazakhstani scientific school in the sphere of the theory of transfer of irradiation.
   U.M.Sultangazin purposefully and fruitfully worked upon the formation of the necessary interdisciplinary programmes and managed their quality execution. The results of the research in the sphere of the mathematical theory of the non-linear models of the Boltzman equation  and computational mathematics, including the methods for the building and justification of varioes schemes for the multi-measure tasks of the kinetic theory of the transference of irradiation, he accomplished the theory of plasm till the application stage, the dynamics of discharged gases, the theory of transference of irradiations etc. For these and other scientific works U.Sultangazin was awarded the State prize of the USSR (1987), the prize of the Czekhoslovakia Academy of sciences in the sphere of natural sciences (1989).     
   The purpose of the giving of the name of U.M.Sultangazin to the hall for scientific workers if the immortalization of the name and the popularization of the creative heritage of the prominent scientist who made a huge contribution into the development of mathematical science and the raising of the prestige of Kazakhstan at the world level. Today the hall is equipped with modern technics, there are created all the conditions for comfortable work and reading. There in open access for universal use are given the scientific works, the monographs and articles from the private library of U.Sultangazin, also the collection of photographs about the life and activity of the scientist.
   There at the opening ceremony spoke: deputy head of the Department of culture and archives of Almaty city D.A.Aliyev, the rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai, professor T.O.Balykbayev, the honored figure of science and technics of the RK, professor I.T.Pak, the spouse of the scientist R.G.Sultangazina and others. The speakers congratulated with the awarding of the name of U.Sultangazin to the Hall for scientific workers and the possibility to come to know closer the life and creative activity of the scientist-mathematician. The guests of the activity became acquainted with the book exhibition and
the collection of photographs of the scientist  provided by the family of the Sultangazins.
   On behalf of the National library of the RK there was given the letter of gratitude to the family of the Sultangazins for the support rendered in the equipment of the reading hall for scientific workers, thanks to which there were created comfortable conditions to work for the scientists who are engaged in science and scientific-technical activity.
   There at the activity also participated scientists, relatives, friends, teachers of universities and colleges, the readers and workers of the library, mass-media representatives.   

   Іс-шараға ғалымдар, туыстары, достары, ЖОО-ның оқытушылары, кітапхана қызметкерлері мен оқырмандар және БАҚ өкілдері қатысты.



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