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   There in the reading hall of periodical editions is organized the exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the regional public-political newspaper “Aktyubinskiy vestnik”.

   Aktyubinskiy vestnik is the first regional, public-political newspaper. The first number of “Aktyubinskiy vestnik” saw the light on June 19, 1918. There in it were printed the decrees of the executive committee, appeals, decisions taken at the meetings, the economic situation of the Aktyubinsk gubernia, the newspaper received the name of “Izvestiya”. After a year it was renamed into “Pravda” – the organ of the Aktyubinsk committee of the RCP(b). After the freeing of Aktyubinsk from the white Cossaks the edition was renamed in the “Red star”.
   In 1921 the newspaper came out under the title of “The Kirghiz steppe” – the organ of the Soviet of the people’s economy, the trade union and the land committee, beginning from August 12, 1921 the newspaper became the print organ of the Aktyubinsk gubkom of the RKP (b), in December, 1924 it is renamed into the “Steppe peasant newspaper”.
The newspaper really won authority among the readers. In 1929 it changed its name again and was published under the name of “The steppe truth”. In March, 1932 there was formed the Aktyubinsk region, and the bureau of the obkom of the party adopted the decree about the renaming into “The Aktyubinsk pravda”. With this title the newspaper existed for three decades of years.
   In 1962 Aktyubinsk becomes the centre of the Western-Kazakhstani region and from that year up to 1965 it is published as the regional newspaper “Western Kazakhstan”.
   In June, 1965 the region and the Sobnarkhozes were liquidated, the newspaper is returned its regional status and it becomes the regional newspaper “Put k Kommunizmu” – the organ ofthe Aktyubinsk obkom of the Communist party of Kazakhstan and the oblispolkom.
   In 1968 in honour of its 50-th anniversary the newspaper was awarded the order Badge of honour. 
   In November, 1990 only after two weeks after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, the edition was returned its initial name – “The Aktyubinsk herald”.
   At the given time the newspaper has the circulation of 9 653 copies.
   The leadership of “Aktobe Media” Company Ltd. Plans to create the museum of newspaper journalistics.
   The editorial office of the regional public-political newspaper “Aktyubinskiy vestnik” started work upon the creation of its own encyclopaedia. There into it will enter the data about the workers, the news columns, projects and key events of the newspaper for the past 100 years.
   The newspaper “Aktyubinskiy vestnik” is the only print organ in the region which has the exact date of its birth and in the course of its past century keeping the chronicles of the history of the region. There at the exhibition are presented out of the fond of National library of the RK the articles of well-known writers and journalists upon the pages of periodical editions dedicated to the newspaper “Aktyubinskiy vestnik”.

   We invite everybody to the exhibition!

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