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   There in the reading hall “Kazakstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to May 7 – the Day of defender of Motherland.

   The Day of defender of Motherland in Kazakhstan is a state holiday and is a day-off. It is annually celebrated on May 7. This date is chosen in connection with the fact that on this very day in 1992 President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Decree on the creation  of the National Armed forces.
   This day symbolizes at the same time the chronicles of the heroic feats of the Kazakhstanis and the continuity of traditions of serving Motherland. This holiday which is designed to raise the prestige and image of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan is celebrated inside the country as well as beyond it too.
   There for the upbringing of the military people, consignees in the spirit of courage and patriotism a great potential is in the history of our people, who underwent many enemy invasions and great battles. A specials role in it belongs the example of the Kazakhstani warriors which courageously fought at the fronts of the Great Patriotic war and in the course of the execution of the international obligation in Afghanistan.
   By tradition annually on the eve of May 7 the President awards the military people who are serving in the army with the orders, medals, and gives to commanders the highest military titles. This is a sign of great respect of the devoted labour and immaculate service, courage and honour of the defender of Motherland and is an example for others.
   There at the book exhibition out of the fond if National library of the RK is presented literature on the history of the Armed forces of the country, and also the materials by
the military theme.  

   We invite everybody to the book exhibition!

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