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The Press-Release
Of the international conference “The mutual enrichment and interaction of cultures of the Turkic and Iranian-lingual peoples”           
     The Centre for the study of culture of the peoples of the Central Asia and Iran at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Institute of oriental studies after R.B.Suleimenov of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Cultural representation of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran organized the international conference “The mutual enrichment and interaction of cultures of the Turkic and Iranian-lingual peoples” which will take place on November 20-21, 2007.
      Although the Iranian and Turkic peoples have very serious in-depth links and for many centuries they lived under immediate interaction and had close relationships, but all these links and the mutual influence and enrichment of cultures of the peoples of the region are yet studied not sufficiently well.
      The absolute majority of original sources that tell about the history and culture of the region in ancient times and the medieval ages were created in the Iranian languages. Many of these sources are not yet translated and thus not accessible for the peoples of the region. Hence the natural interest towards Iran, the Persian language, the history of the region. In their turn, there in the book depositaries of the Central Asia and in particular at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan are kept the unique medieval manuscripts in Farsi, some of which have great value for researchers.
      For almost 1000 years the rulers of Iran were the Turks. Naturally the Iranian and Turkic peoples living side by side spiritually enriched each other.
      Kazakhstan during the years of independence achieved great success not only in the state construction and economy but also in the studying of the culture and civilization of the Eurasian space.
      The purpose for the carrying out of this activity with the participation of specialists from Kazakhstan, Iran, Russia and the republics of the Central Asia is the exchange of opinions and the discussion of issues of spiritual-historical links of the peoples in the region. A look into the past must always be conducive to see the future better. Such activity is directed upon mutual understanding and interaction of the peoples in the region.
      There in the conference participated: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the RK Ramin Mehmanparast, director of the Institute of oriental studies after R.B.Suleimenov of the Ministry of education and science of the RK, doctor of science (history), professor Abuseitova M.K.; the head of the Cultural representation of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the RK Hasan Safarhani; professor of the Tehran university, doctor of science (philology) Mohammadali Islami Nashudan; doctor of science (philosophy and philology) Asgar Dodbekh; doctor of science (philology) professor Mahpirov V.U.; doctor of science (philology), professor Amirzoda Subkhon; professor of the Tehran university, doctor of science (philology) Sirus Shamisa; Director-General of the National library of the RK O.Issakhov; doctor of science (history), professor, Deputy-Director of the Institute of the countries of Asia and Africa of the Moscow state university Syzdykova Zh.; doctor of science (philology), professor of the Kazakh state national university after Al-Farabi Khamrayev A.; candidate of science (philosophy), senior scientific worker of the National academy of sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Zhusupbekov A. and others.
       The venue of the conference: Almaty city, Tulebayev str., 185, the museum after Auezov M.O., the beginning time of the conference: at 10:00 o’clock.
 The contact telephone: 272-49-56
 The organizational committee


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