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   From February 23 till March 5, 2008 there took place the business-trip to the Alexandria Library of the Arabic Republic of Egypt. The business-trip took place in accordance with the Programme of development of the sphere of culture for 2006-2008, article 33, the organization of an exhibition from the library fonds of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Alexandria Library of the Arabic Republic of Egypt.
    There from the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the NLRK) in the business-trip participated Director-General Orynbassar Issakhov and the Head of the Cultural programmes Centre Gulnara Khalykova.
            The purpose of the business-trip:
-         the participation of the NLRK in the international book fair “The Algerian books”;
-         the organization of the thematic exhibition “Modern Kazakhstan” within the framework of the international book fair “The Algerian books”;
-         the acquaintance with the work of the Alexandria Library;
-         the signing of the agreement on cooperation between the Alexandria Library and the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    There at the thematic exhibition “Modern Kazakhstan” were presented 80 editions from the fonds of the NLRK and specially acquired literature. There at the exhibition were shown the editions, books, picturesque albums about Kazakhstan, the state symbols, the First President, the prominent people of Kazakhstan who made great contribution into the development and formation of the young sovereign state, and also books, albums, posters, postcards, CD-ROMs that honorably present the culture, art, traditions and rites of the Kazakh people. The exhibition was richly decorated by articles of national applied art. Among the visitors of the international book fair “The Algerian books” the thematic exhibition “Modern Kazakhstan” enjoyed success.     
     The Alexandria international book fair jointly with the Association of Egyptian publishers awarded the National library of the RK the Certificated of participation.
     After the end of the exhibition there for the fond of the Alexandria Library were donated freely 16 books and 4 CD-disks.
     The remaining 20 editions and articles of national attributes were given over freely to the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Egypt.
     In the course of the business-trip Director-General Orynbassar Issakhov and the Head of the Cultural programmes Centre Gulnara Khalykova visited the Alexandria Library, became well-acquainted with the museum of rare books and manuscripts, the laboratory for the preservation of written documentary heritage, the reading-halls.
     In the course of the negotiations between Director-General of the NLRK Orynbassar Issakhov and the Head of the International relations sector Mrs. Hagar Islambuly there was signed the agreement on mutual cooperation of the two libraries for five years’ time.
The certificate of participation
Alexandria Library
The Alexandria international book fair
jointly with the Association of Egyptian publishers
Algerian Books
February 21 – March 5, 2008
The Certificate of participation is awarded to:
National library Republic of Kazakhstan
In acknowledgement of the visit and valuable contribution to
The Alexandria international book fair (February 21 – March 5, 2008),
Especially the visit by Mr. Orynbassar Issakhov and Mrs. Gulnara Khalykova from February 24 till March 4, 2008.
We await your active participation in the coming years,
Please accept my assurances of high respect
Sincerely yours,
Doctor Haled Azab
Director of Media Department
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