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30.10.2008 – There in Kostanai city took place the seminar “The electronic library – international partnership. The Russian-Kazakhstani “Meetings at the boundary” project on the basis of the Kostanai regional universal scientific library after Leo Tolstoi.
   On October 30-31, 2008 there in Kostanai city took place the seminar “The electronic library – international partnership. The Russian-Kazakhstani “Meetings at the boundary” project on the basis of the Kostanai regional universal scientific library after Leo Tolstoi.
   The workers of the National library of the RK E.I.Ismailov, K.T.Kasymzhanova, A.Sagynova took part in the workshop and presented reports by the theme: “The ways and prospects of international cooperation between libraries in the mutual use of informational resources”,
   The Russian-Kazakhstani “Meetings at the boundary” project, “The presentation of the electronic library of the NLRK”.
  There at the workshop also spoke: M.E.Schwartzman – head of department on research of computer systems of the Russian State Library (Moscow), A.Sarsenbinova – director of managerial service of electronic resources of the National Academic Library of the RK (Astana city), I.N.Perezhogina – head of department on regional study of the Chelyabinsk regional universal scientific library. There in the workshop took place the directors of the regional libraries of the Astrakhan, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk regions, of Troyitsk city, the specialists of the libraries of the boundary regions of Kazakhstan.
    The workshop implemented the task of coordination and agreed actions in the further implementation of the project. The implementation of the “Meetings at the boundary” project has the culture-study, enlightenment, scientific and educational goals which are conducive for the solution of problems pertaining to the inter-national mutual understanding, mutual enrichment of cultures and integration processes that take place between the two states.
     There within the framework of the workshop were approved the recommendations:
  • To address the Ministers of culture of the participating-countries of the project with the request on the inclusion of the project into the state programs of these countries with the appropriate financing for the further implementation of the project, the elaboration of the programme for its technical solution, support and the creation of the methodological manual on the work of the project;
  • To widen the circle of the project participants by the joining of the following libraries (the Kostanai regional universal scientific library after L.N.Tolstoi, the Korgan regional universal scientific library after A.K. Yugov, the Chelyabinsk regional universal scientific library),
The libraries that joined the project to analyze their fonds and present the lists of editions by the given theme etc.
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