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The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Kazakh National Academy of Art after T.Zhurgenov made the presentation of the three volumes of the first study manual on the history of Kazakh music written by professor, candidate of science (pedagogy), investigator of musical art of Kazakhstan Pernebek Momynuly.

The first volume of the study manual named “The musical-aesthetical upbringing” was published in 2000, the second volume named “The brief history of Kazakh music” saw the light in 2002 and the third volume “The brief history of Kazakh music” was published in 2007.

P.Momynov is the professor at the two study establishments – the Kazakh National Academy after T.Zhurgenev and the International Kazakh-Turkish University after Kh.A.Yassaui, he is the author of more than a hundred scientific works and monographs. The main themes of his works are about the origins and the main periods of development of the Kazakh opera art, about the ability to listen and understand music, about the aesthetical upbringing of the younger generation.

Besides professor P.Momynov is the author of many methodological manuals on the teaching of music, about its auspicious influence upon the consciousness, imagination, emotions and the will.

P.Momynov grew up and nourished a great number of figures of culture and art of Kazakhstan, among which there may be named M.Eshkeyev, A.Dosaуeva, M.Zhunusova, A.Aliyev, A.Zhorabayeva and many others.

There for the presentation the National library of the RK out of its fonds organized the book-illustrative exhibition named “Ulttyk onerdyn rukhani demeushisy”.  There at the exhibition are presented the books, articles and manuscripts of the unpublished works, the photographs, the award certificates from the family archive of P.Momynov.

There in the presentation participated the well-known figures of culture and art, the students, the representatives of the mass-media, the readers and workers of the library.

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