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There in the Centre of cultural programmes of the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan Took place the presentation of the book “Tugan tilim - tumarym” by the doctor of science (pedagogy), professor, head of the chair of theory and methodology of modern Kazakh language of the Kazakh National pedagogical university after Abai F.Sh.Orazbayeva.

Orazbayeva Fauziya Shamsikyzy is a prominent scientist, who for the first time in the scientific-theoretical and methodological aspects justified the linguistic communication of the Kazakh linguistics as the official state language necessary in order to be studied by the Kazakhs and representatives of other nationalities.

In 1979 F.Sh.Orazbayeva defended the candidate dissertation by the theme “The numeric pronoun in the modern Kazakh language”. In 1996 she defended the doctoral dissertation by the theme “The scientific-methodological basics of the lingual communication and their interaction”. In 1988 she is assistant-professor, in 1999 – professor. She was awarded by the medals “Eren enbegi yushin” and “10 years of Independence”. In 2009 F.Sh.Orazbayeva was awarded the title of Honoured figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

F.Sh.Orazbayeva is the author of the scientific-methodological programmes, text-books of the new generation in accordance with the state standards and also she is the author of the scientific-theoretical works pertaining to the lingual communication. There for the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan were prepared and published the works of the scientist pertaining to the lingual tests in accordance with the European and International standards (DALF/AELF, IELTS, TOEFL). She is the head and the author of the 6-level study-methodological complex for teaching the Kazakh language (2006-2007). There were published more than 300 scientific-methodological works of the scientist-linguist.

There within the framework of the presentation was organized an exhibition, upon which there were presented the books, scientific works, monographs, publications and articles of professor Orazbayeva Fauziya Shamsiyevna.

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