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On February 2, 2010 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the book “The rose of winds” by Alla Altynova (Galiya Utebekova).

The host moderator of the presentation was the writer Umit Tazhikenova.The presentation took place with the participation of writers and poets, figures of art and culture, businessmen, representatives of the creative intelligentsia and the mass-media: the well-known writer-prosaic S.K.Sanbayev, the writer-choreographer D.Nakipov, the academician, doctor of science (law) S.Sartayev, the doctor of science (philosophy), professor G.Shalabayeva, the president of an audit-company working in Kazakhstan and Central Asia Zh.Berdalina, the vice-president of the Kazakh foundation of culture S.Kumarova, the chairman of the board of the Association of business women of Almaty city S.Gonago, the well-known cinema director N.Chankova, the poetess, member of the Writers’ union of Kazakhstan R.Nukenova, the journalists A.Abilova, G.Kerimova, the cinema director A.Baigozhina, the well-known artist T.Mukatov and some others.

Those present in their speeches expressed their opinion about the book, giving good pieces of advice to the beginner writer.For instance, S.Sartayev in his speech said the following: “I am always glad to see young talented people, they must be supported and only in this case there will be progress”. S.Sanbayev gave a good piece of advice to the author: “I read the book by A.Altynova “The rose of winds” with great pleasure. It’s pleasant when a woman comes into literature.

She writes pleasantly, unlike any man could write. This book by its genre comes close to the French writer, who wrote psychological novels – Andre Maurois. I advise A.Altynova to read his works. And also to see the 4-volume dictionary by V.Dal, all the more so since the book about Kazakh reality is written in the Russian language”. D.Nakipov in his speech said: “I am surprised at the gift of the authoress. She writes simply and sincerely about the soul of modern Kazakh woman. There in the book is depicted the new world outlook of the modern international family”. Of interest were the opinions of S.Gonago, N.Zhmerenetskaya, G.Shalabayeva, Zh.Berdalina, A.Abilova and others.

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