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There in the village Sarykol of the Kostanai region took place the creative activity evening dedicated to the memory of the honoured librarian of the RK Nazira Kozhakhmetovna Dauletova.

There in the activity participated and made speeches the head of the Libraries development centre of the NLRK Kasymzhanova K.T. and the head of the Scientific-research department Shaimerdenova B.Sh. On September 16, 2009 there in the House of culture of the village Sarykol of the Kostanai region took place the creative activity evening “The soul and heart given to the profession” dedicated to the memory of the honoured librarian of the RK Nazira Kozhakhmetovna Dauletova.

For 50 years Nazira Kozhakhmetovna Dauletova worked in the sphere of culture, including the 40 years which she devoted to the National library of the RK, including the 25 years at the post of director of the library. The creative activity evening was organized by the Akimat of the Sarykol district. The words of greeting were addressed to the participants of the evening by the Akim of the Sarykol district Gabdullin K.M., the daughters of Nazira Kozhakhmetovna – Abulgazina S.Zh. and Khakimzhanova G.Zh., the grandchild of Nazira Kozhakhmetovna – Abulgazin Daniyar. 

There at the evening the reports were delivered by the theme:

“The library heritage of N.Dauletova through the prism of historical-cultural development of the region” by the head of the Kostanai regional department of culture S.B.Bukikhanova,

“N.K.Dauletova at the origins of the formation and strengthening of the NLRK” by the head of the Centre of libraries’ development of the National library of the RK Kasymzhanova K.T.,

“The new trends of the scientific-research activity of the NLRK” by the head of the scientific-research department of the NLRK Shaimerdenova B.Sh.

There at the evening took place the presentation of the book by N.K.Dauletova and E.Shmeleva “The history of the formation and development of librarianship in Kazakhstan”, published in 2009 by the daughters of Nazira Kozhakhmetovna.

The participants of the creative evening visited the Central district library named after Nazira Kozhakhmetovna Dauletova. There on the wall of the library building is installed the memorial plaque in her honour. There is in the library a reading-hall which is equipped with the books from the personal library of Nazira Kozhakhmetovna, including the famous collection “The library of world literature”. The randson of Nazira Kozhakhmetovna Daniyar Abulgazin constantly helps the library in acquisitions. As a gift for the library he brought a new party of books.

The National library of the RK brought as a gift for the Sarykol Central library about one hundred books, including the manuals in librarianship. The Akimat and the Sarykol Central district library published the book “Library is the main business in her life” specially for the occasion. The book was presented to the participants of the creative evening. In the end there was a concert organized by the Sarykol dwellers.

On September 17, 2009 the head of the Libraries development centre of the NLRK Kasymzhanova K.T. and the head of the Scientific-research department Shaimerdenova B.Sh. met with the collective of the Kostanai regional universal scientific library after Leo Tolstoy. They told them about the work of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about the creative activity in the Sarykol district which had taken place, about Nazira Kozhakhmetovna Dauletova. After that the workers of the NLRK visited the Central city library after N.Ostrovski and the museum of Ybrai Altynsarin in which there is a big exposition dedicated to N.K.Dauletova. 

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