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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Dear readers! In connection with the holiday days on January 1, 2, 4, 7 the library does nоt work. On January 3 the library is open.
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СONGRATULATIONS! The collective of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan congratulates Director-General of the National library Askar Alibek Asylbayevich, Deputy Director-General Yussupova Azhar Khamitovna, Head of “Kazakstan Kitaptary” Service Zharknalova Madina Bayanovna, Head of the Group of the Acquisitions’ Service Taibergenova Indira Kunzakovna with the awarding with the jubilee medal “For the 20-th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”.
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The collective of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan congratulates the worker of the library, the engineer-programmer Sultanayev Abdresh Kaparovich with the state award – the medal “Eren enbegi yushin” for the great contribution into the development of culture and librarianship of the country!
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On December 3, 2015 at 15:00 hours there in the Exhibitions' hall took place the panel named «Innovatsiyalyk tekhnologiyalardy paidalanu arkyly folklorlyk keiyipkerlerdy birizdendiru” organized by the republican Centre for the development of languages, the coordination-methodological work after Sh.Shayakhmetov of the Committee for the development of languages and public-political work of the Ministry of culture and sport.
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Dear  readers! October 30 is the clean-up day.
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There from October 12 to 16, 2015 at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the School of conservation and restoration of written documents was held an international practical workshop in the restoration of Oriental books with the participation of the specialist from the Russian state library (Moscow city) Lokotkova I.G.
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On October 15, 2015 at 10:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the International scientific conference “Mustafa Shokai: politician and scientist”, organized by the Institute of Oriental studies after R.B.Suleimenov of the Committee of science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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On October 15, 2015 from 10:00 to 13:00 there in the Library studies hall took place the Day of open doors under the motto “My profession – My pride” dedicated to the Day of the libraries of Almaty city.
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There in the reading hall of “Kazakstan kitaptary” service at the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city is organized a book exhibition dedicated to the Day of the languages of the people of Kazakhstan.
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There in the reading hall of the world literature department is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 125-th birthday of the renowed detective fiction English writer Agatha Christie.
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National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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