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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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    From October 8 to 12, 2014 there in Frankfurt took place the annual world book fair “Frankfurter Buchmesse 2014”. There in the work of the fair participated Director-General of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Alibek Asylbayevich.
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There in the reading-halls of “Kazakstan kitaptary” and World literature departments are organized the book exhibitions named “September 22 is the Linguistic day of the Kazakhstani people”.
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    On September 12, 2014 at 15:00 hours there in the Exhibitions hall took place the session of the public council «Miras» on the issues of development of culture and art at the Almaty city afficliate of the party “Nur Otan” by the theme “Almaty – ulttyk oner men madeniyettyn mayegi”.
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      On September 11, 2014 at 11:00 hours there at the National library of the RK took place the panel dedicated to the 120-th birthday of the outstanding world-renowned Pushkin-study specialist, scientist-researcher, writer Nikolai Alexeyevich Raevskiy.
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On September 6, 2014 at 12:00 there in the Exhibitions hall took place the celebration of the labour veteran, librarian-bibliographer Lyubenko Eugeniya Osipovna timed to her 90-th birthday.
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There in the reading-hall of the Department of periodical editions is organized the exhibition “Azat eldyn Ata zany” dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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First Deputy Director-General of the National library of the RK Ospanova B.K., head of  the service of conservation Sarsenbayeva B.Sh. participated in the work of the 80-th IFLA General Conference and Assembly on August 16-23, 2014 in Lyon city (France). The theme of the conference was “Libraries, citizens, societies: confluence for knowledge”. The programme of the activity included the open sessions, seminars, exhibitions, poster-sessions and satellite meetings before and after the congress. There took place the annual exhibition of library materials, audio-visual equipment, computer systems and publishers.
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On July 21 at 16:00 hours there in the Exhibitions hall took place the meeting between the collective and the deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Committee on international affairs, defence and security, chairman of the Public council for the provision of legality of the Main military prosecuting magistracy, leutenant-general, doctor of science (history), professor Tasbulatov Abai Bolekbayevich.
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On June 30, 2014 at 15:00 hours there in the Exhibitions’ hall took place the presentation of the three-volume book named “Independent Kazakhstan: the anthology of modern literature” timed to the Day of Astana.
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There in the Exhibition hall is organized the book-illustrative exhibition “Askaktai ber, Astana” dedicated to the Day of Astana.
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