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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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There in the reading hall of the Department of periodical editions is organized an exhibition dedicated to the International day of fighting drugs.
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There in the reading hall of the Department of world literature is organized a book exhibition dedicated to the 125-th birthday of the renowned Russian poetess of the ХХ-th century, literary critic and translator Anna Andreyevna Akhmatova (1889-1966).
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There in the Department of world literature is organized the book exhibition of new literature in medicine and related disciplines named “Salamatty Kazakstan” dedicated to the Day of medical worker.
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On June 5, 2014 at 15:00 hours there in the reading hall of the World literature department took place the ceremony of book donation from the General consulate of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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On May 30, 2014 at 09:00 hours there in the reading hall of “Kazakhstan kitaptary” department took place the thematic review for the young specialists of the library by the materials of the book exhibition “Azaly tarikhka tagzym” dedicated to the Memory day of the victims of political repressions in Kazakhstan.
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There in the Exhibitions hall within the framework of the interstate programme “The cultural capitals of the Commonwealth” is organized the book-illustrative exhibition “Almaty 2014 – the cultural capital of the countries of the Commonwealth”.
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There by the order of the Chairman of the Committee of culture of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.A.Kishkkashbayev №7-i dated April 7, 2014 Askar Alibek Asylbayevich is appointed Director-General of the Republican state establishment “The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
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On November 19, 2013 the National library of the RK with the working visit was visited by Brigadier-General, Defence Attache of the Embassy of Pakistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan Shahid Jawad Khan.
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On October 3, 2013 at 15:00 there in the foyer of the National library within the framework of the cross cultural seasons of France and Kazakhstan 2013/2014 will take place the presentation of the book by A.S.Exupery “Le Petit Prince” in the Kazakh language.
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On September 23, 2013 there in Baku city took place the official meeting of the President of Azerbaijan Ilkham Aliyev and the Minister of culture and tourism of Azerbaijan Abulfas Garayev with the president of the Conference of European national libraries, Director-General of the National library of France Bruno Racine, vice-president of the National Assembly of Eurasia, Director-General of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulissa Balabekova and the director of the National library of Azerbaijan Kerim Takhirov.
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