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There in the Dissertations’ department of the National library of the RK is organized the exhibition of dissertations by the following theme “The modern aspects of development of linguistics and literature study in Kazakhstan”.
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On April 11-13, 2013 there in the Kazakhstani centre of business cooperation “Atakent” (Almaty city) took place the VII-th International book and polygraphical exhibition-fair “By the Great Silk way- 2013”.
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On April 11, 2013 at 15:00 hours there at the National library of the RK within the framework of the work of the VII-th International book and polygraphical fair named “Along the Great Silk way” took place the conference of directors of the National and regional universal scientific libraries for the implementation of “The plan of modernization of domestic socio-cultural production for the years 2012-2016” 
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There within the framework of the republican action “One country – one book” in “Kazakstan kitaptary” department is organized a book exhibition dedicated to the creative activity of the people’s writer, the winner of the State prize of Kazakhstan Fariza Ungarsynova and the nominated poetical collection “Daua”.
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There in the hall for scientific workers of “Kazakstan kitaptary” department is organized the book exhibition, dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of the well-known scientist-metallurgist, doctor of science (technology), academician of the National academy of sciences of the RK Ni Leonid Pavlovich.
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On April 10, 2013 at 15:00 hours there in the Exhibition hall took place the solemn opening of the book-illustrative exhibition “Rukhy byik nar tulga” dedicated to the centenary of the prominent state and public figure Fazyl Karibzhanov and the presentation of the book “The famous son of Kazak land”.
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On April 10, 2013 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibition hall took place the panel dedicated to the discussion of the book “Kazaktyn Kazhymukany”, the compiler of which is the honorary journalist of Kazakhstan Gazizbek Tashimbai. The book narrates about the great son of the Kazakh steppe, the first and many times champion of the world in Grecian-Roman wrestling among the Kazakh wrestlers Mukan Munaitpasov by the nickname of Kazhymukan. The panel is timed to the 75-th jubilee of the member of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan, the honorary journalist of Kazakhstan Gazizbek Tashimbai.
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There in the Department of periodical editions is organized the exhibition dedicated to the 90-th birthday of the regional newspaper “Atyrau”.
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On April 3, 2013 at 11:00 hours there in the Exhibition hall took place the presentation of the book of the honored figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientist and publicist N.R.Zhotabayev “The last autumn of the Union parliament”.  
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There in the reading hall of the Department of periodical editions is organized the exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the first all-national newspaper “Kazak”…
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