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On October 29, 2012 the National library of the RK organized the exit book exhibition “Kazak biynyn padishasy” at the Kazakh state academic theatre of opera and ballet after Abai within the framework of the memory evening dedicated to the centenary of the founder of Kazakh national stage dance, the musical theatrical art of Kazakhstan, the people’s and honored artist of the Kazakh SSR, pedagogue Shara Zhiyenkulova.
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The presentation of books of doctor of science (philology), professor Biktor Badikov “According to Hamburg account”, “The book about myself and about  everybody. Creative activity. Life. Friends’ voices” and the documentary film of the well-known TV-director, screen writer, producer Rita Zhugunusova “Viktor Badikov. I consider myself a person of literature” took place on October 25, 2012 at 11 o’clock in the Hall of Librarianship  of  the National Library of the RK.
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Dear readers! There are some changes in the schedule of work of the library: The days off – October 26 – Kurban-ait and October 28 – Sunday. On October 27 the library works as usual.
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There in the Department of foreign literature is organized the book exhibition named “Kazakhstan and the United Nations Organization: 20 years of cooperation”.
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On October 18, 2012 at 10-00 hours there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of editions of the publishing house Oxford University Press and the trends of activity of the subscription agency the closed joint-stock company “KONEK” “The scientific information in the data-bases of foreign publishing-houses: the modern forms and modern technologies”.
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In the National Library of the RK there took place the meeting of Director-General of the National library RK  G.K. Balabekova with the representatives of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan, French Institute on research of Central Asia (IFEAC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France.
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There in the hall of world literature is organized the book exhibition timed for the centenary of the birthday of the Russian scientist, Oriental study specialist and ethnographer Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev.
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There in the Department of foreign literature opened the book exhibition dedicated to the 150-th anniversary of the well-known American writer O’Henry (William Sidney Porter).
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There in the department “Kazakhstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition Dedicated to the centenary of the public figure, writer, translator Bekturov Zhaiyk Kagenovich.
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On October 11, 2012 at 15.00 hours there in the Greater hall took place the presentation of the 7-volume collection of works by the well-known state and public figure, holder of the orders “Parasat”, “Kurmet”, “Barys”, doctor of science (philology), professor, writer, director of the Scientific-research center for the study of the legacy of Korkyt Myrzatai Joldasbekov published by the publishing house “Kyultegyn”. The activity is timed to the 75-th jubilee of the author.
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