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On October 11, 2012 at 11.00 hours there in the Exhibition hall of the National library of the RK took place the presentation of the book by the poet, member of the Writers union of Kazakhstan, director of the charity foundation “Omirdy korgau” Muratkhan Shokan “Enterpreuners-Kazakh of China” published in the series “Kazakh enterpreuners of the whole world”.
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The presentation  of the book  of  Doctor  of Science (architecture), member of  Union of Designers of Kazakhstan, Professor  Turganbaeva Lyaila  “Zattar duniesynyn  syry”  took  place  on 9-th  of October  2012 at  11 o’clock  in the  hall of exhibitions.
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Attention! We invite libraries to the participation in the international action “We read Mukhtar Auezov” which is held by the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan from September 21, 2012 to September 28, 2013.
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The book  exhibition, devoted to the centenary of the founder  of electrical power  science in  Kazakhstan,  Doctor of science (Technology), Academician, Halyk Kaharmany Chokin Shafik Chokinovich  was organized  in the department  “Kazakhstan books.”
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There at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan is provided trial access to the electronic data-base “BiblioRossica” by the humanitarian sciences.   
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There in the hall of world literature is organized the book exhibition timed for the centenary of the birthday of the Russian scientist, Oriental study specialist and ethnographer Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev.
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A  musical  evening, devoted  to  100–th anniversary  of the  founder  of  Kazakh  stage  dance, musical  theatrical  art of Kazakhstan,  the national and honoured  artist of the Kazakh SSR, pedagogue  Shara  Zhienkulova   took place  in the Big Hall on  October  3, 2012 at 12.00.
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On October 2, 2012 at 11:00 hours there in the Hall of exhibitions took place the presentation of the book of the candidate of science (politics) Olzhas Kaptagayev “The peace-loving foreign policy of the Republic of kazakhstan at the beginning of the 21-st century: the politological analysis”, initiated by the Almaty city affiliate of the People’s democratic party “Nur Otan”.
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The National library of  the RK held the republican seminar  “The formation of the libraries’ fonds in terms of industrial-innovational development of  the Republic of Kazakhstan” on the basis of  the National academical library of  the RK in Astana within the framework of  the Forum of the librarians of the countries of the CIS -  2012  “Libraries of  the Commonwealth: integration, innovation and access for all” on September 26-27, 2012.
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There in the department “Kazakhstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 80-th birthday of the honored figure of culture of kazakhstan, people’s writer Sherkhan Murtaza.
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