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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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On September 24 at 15:00 hours there in the hall of world literature of the National library of the RK took place the celebration dedicated to the 200-th anniversary of the Patriotic war of 1812. The acvitity was organized with the support of the General consulate of the Russian Federation in Almaty city and representation of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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The international literary forum “Мukhtar Auezov is the view  into the new millennium,”  devoted to 115-th birthday of the classic of Kazakh literature, the founder of Аbai-study, a prominent scientist, writer  and  pedagogue took place in the National library of  the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 21,  2012 at 10:00.
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On September 20, 2012 at 11:00 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan there took place the presentation of the collections in the Kazakh language “Iliyas Omarov” and “Omir men oner” published by “Kazakhstan” publishing house in the series “Personality and time”; by “Ana tily” in the series “Jubilee literature” to the centenary of the well-known state and public figure Iliyas Omarov. And also the presentation of the books by the journalists-publicists published by “Kazygurt” publishing house in the series “Tauyelsizdyk tolgauy”.
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There in the department “Kazakhstan kitaptary” is organized the book exhibition, dedicated to the 90-th birthday of the state figure, Hero of Socialist Labour, participant of the Great Patriotic war, candidate of science (economics), professor of the Kazakh national university after al-Farabi Asanbai Askarovich Askarov.
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Director-General of the National library of the RK, chairperson of the National Committee “Memory of the world”, vice-president of the Library Assembly of Eurasia Balabekova G.K. participated in the work of the Third council of the National Commissions and Committees on UNESCO affairs members of TURKSOI.
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On September 14, 2012 at 11-00 hours there at the National library in the department “Kazakstan kitaptary” took place the opening of the Depositary of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, organized with the assistance of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Almaty city.
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   Director-General of the National library of the RK, chairperson of the National Committee “Memory of the world”, vice-president of the Library Assembly of Eurasia (LAE) Balabekova G.K. participated in the work of the International congress “The National library as the phenomenon of culture” (September 5-7, 2012, Belarus, Minsk city) timed to the 90-th birthday of the National library of Belarus.
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There in the department of world literature opened the book exhibition dedicated to the greatest scientist of the Middle Asia of the X-XI-th centuries Ibn-Sina (Avicenna) and the 1000-th anniversary of the creation of the encyclopaedia “The canon of medical sceince”…
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On September 5, 2012 at 15:00 hours there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the memorial meeting  dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of the people’s writer of Kazakhstan, the winner of the State prize of the RK, the well-known Kazakh poet S.Maulenov.
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On August 29 there at the National library of the RK took place the widened sitting of the Scientific-methodological council.
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