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On October 26, 2017 there in the Hall after N.Dauletova took place the presentation of the second part of the book “Din men dastur” which was published by the initiative of the Chairman of the Spiritual department of the Moslems of Kazakhstan and Chief mufti Erzhan Kazhy Malgazhyuly.
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There from October 21 to 25, 2017 the delegation of National library of the RK will visit  THE DAYS OF CULTURE AND CINEMA OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN IN THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY, timed for the 25-th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey.
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On October 19, 2017  there in the Hall after N.Dauletova took place the Day of open doors named “My profession – my pride”, dedicated to the professional holiday – the Day of libraries of Almaty city.
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On October 19, 2017 there in the cinema-hall of E.Tursunov “The youth organization of the physically handicapped people “Zhiger” Ltd. Carried out the jubilee concert named “10 years of free assistance to the youth with invalidity” timed for the 10-th anniversary of their activity.
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On September 19, 2017 there at the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan there for the 75-th birthday of Dukenbai Doszhan, the Kazakh writer-prosaist , the winner of State wprize of the Republic of Kazakhstan National library of the RK organized the exit book exhibition.
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On September 19, 2017 at 15:00 hours there in the Hall of E.Tursunov took place the presentation of the book “Kazakh instrumental music from the kyui to the symphony” by  the honored figure of arts of the RK, the known musical expert and critic, active propagator of folk music, researcher and ebaluator of the creative activity of Kazakhstani composers, the teacher of the musical study establishments, the author of musical radio and TV-programmes – Yuriy Petrovich Aravin.
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On Aughust 28, 2017 there in the hall after N.Dauletova took place the city conference dedicated to the Constitution Day by the theme “The constitutional reform is the way for modernization” with the participation of lawyers, historians, politicians, public figures, representatives of atste and legal organs.
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On August 25, 2017 there in the Hall after N.Dauletova took place the panel “Constitutional values and the ways for their implementation in legislation and legal practice of Kazakhstan” (the August readings), dedicated to the Constitution Day of the RK.
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From 22 to 24 August, 2017 there in the Hasll after N.Dauletova by the order of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan the International educational centre “EduStream” which is official exclusive representative of international publishing house “Express publishing” carries out the study seminar for teachers of Republic of Kazakhstan by the study programmes and textbooks of the English language on renewed content in accordance with the skills of the 21-st century by the theme “Brain friendly teaching for the 21-st century learners”.
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