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National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan offers to the attention of the specialists first number of the quarterly electronic magazine “The IFLA-PAC Core Programme News”  (2011, № 1).
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There for the Holiday of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan the National library opens up the large-scale book-illustrative exhibition “Kazakhstan – our common home” (Kazakstan – bizdin ortak yuimiz).
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The National library of the RK has been awarded by the diplomas of the 6-th Kazakhstani international book and polygraphical fair “For cooperation” and also in the nomination “Leader of the nation” for the retrospective bibliographical index “Nursultan Nazarbayev – the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
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On April 21 there by the initiative of the National library of the RK took place the council for the discussion of the draft project of “The programme for the library-informational provision of the industrial-innovational development of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014” with the participation of the directors of the Regional Universal Scientific Libraries.
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   The National library of the RK on April 21-22, 2011 within the framework of the 6-th Kazakhstani international book and polygraphical fair named “By the Great Silk way” organizes an exhibition of its publications issued during the years of independence.    Also the National library of the RK on April 21, 2011 at 13:00 hours holds the readers’ panel jointly with the “Almatykitap” publishing-house by the theme “The history, everyday life and culture in the literature of independent Kazakhstan” dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of independence of the country with the participation of authors, directors of the regional libraries and a wide circle of readers.
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   There by the initiative of the National library of the RK on April 21, 2011 at 10:00 hours is held the council of directors for the discussion of the project of Branch programme of library-informational backing of the industrial-innovational development of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014.
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There in “Kazakhstan kitaptary” department is organized an open access by the theme “Kazirgy Kazak adebiety” . 
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On April 12, 2011 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the international panel named “25 years to the nuclear catastrophe at the Chernobyl atomic electric station”.
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In accordance with the calendar plan of the 20-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan out of its fonds organized the book-illustrative exhibition named “Ulystyn uly kuni”.
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By the Order of the Chairman of the Committee of culture of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan I.M.Kozybayev #18-k dated March 15, 2011 G.K.Balabekova is appointed Director-General of the state establishment “The National library of the Republic Kazakhstan”, previously First Deputy Director-General of the NLRK.
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