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Friday, September 20, 2024

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Director-General of the National library of the RK O.Issakhov, First Deputy Director-General of the NLRK G.K.Balabekova, Head of the Department of informational resources K.K.Koshtayeva, Head of the Department of national bibliography A.B.Rakisheva on September 21-23, 2010 participated in the work of the International bibliographical congress which took place in St.-Petersburg (Russia).
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On September 17 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan there was organized the book-illustrative exhibition for the 75-th jubilee of the Writers’ Union named “75 years – to the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan”.
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The National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan offers to the attention of the specialists second number of the quarterly electronic magazine “The IFLA-PAC Core Programme News”  (2010, № 2).
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The National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan received  49 new publications in Ukrainian and Russian languages as a present to the exhibition “ The way to the Europe - the way to civilization ”from the National Library of  Ukraine after V.I. Vernadsky.
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the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the TURKSOI made a presentation of the book by Kunimzhan Baikadamova named “The Baikadamovs family”.
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On June 4, 2010 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the book by Damyr Dauletbayev “Menyn akem – Abaidylda Syzdykuly Dauletbayev” (“My father - Abaidylda Dauletbayev”).
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On May 27, 2010 the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the charity foundation after Sultanbek Khodzhanov on the eve of the Memory day of the victims of the political repressions organized the presentation of the collection of works by Sultanbek Khodzhanov (1894-1938), a prominent state and public figure, publicist, translator, literary study specialist and pedagogue-enlightener. The book saw the light in the series named “Alash murasy” in the “Arys” Publishing House.
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The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan offers to the attention of the specialists first number of the quarterly electronic magazine “The IFLA-PAC Core Programme News”  (2010, № 1).
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There in the NLRK was opened the test access from April 28 to July 16 to the archives of the English-lingual journal “Science Classic” for researchers in the sphere of science and technology.
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There at the National library of the RK took place the solemn opening of the book exhibition “The way to Europe – the way to civilization”, organized by the National library of the RK within the framework of implementation of “The way to Europe” State Programme is timed to the chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the OSCE in 2010.
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