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Friday, September 20, 2024

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There came a letter to the name of Director-General of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Secretary-General of the International federation of library associations and institutions – IFLA Mrs. Jennifer Nickolson in which she expressed gratitude for the fruitful activity of the NLRK as the IFLA/PAC Core Programme Regional Centre for Central Asia and also the intention to continue cooperation by the given Programme in accordance with the new Agreement concluded.
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The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the base of the Regional Centre of the IFLA/PAC Core Programme in Central Asia offers for the attention of library workers of Kazakhstan and Central Asia the information about the projects and conferences for the current year pertaining to the preservation and conservation of library fonds and also the professional development.
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The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the base of the Regional Centre of the IFLA/PAC Core Programme in Central Asia offers for the attention of library workers of Kazakhstan and Central Asia the information about the projects and conferences for the current year pertaining to the preservation and conservation of library fonds and also the professional development.
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There at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the collected works titled “Economics” in 10 volumes of the scientist-economist, director of the Institute of economics of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK, doctor of science (economics), professor, academician, winner of the state prize of the RK, president of the scientists’ union of Kazakhstan, member of the Public chamber of the Majilis of the Parliament of the RK Sabden Orazaly.   
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On February 22, 2010 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the first three books of the first complete 7-volume collection of works of Alikhan Nurmukhameduly Bukeikhan. The I, II and III volumes of the present collection were published at the end of the last year in “Sary-Arka” Publishing house in Astana city.
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The head of the Editorial-translation department of the National library of the RK Abdirasilkyzy Ainur participated in the International symposium (Istanbul city, Turkey), dedicated to the memory of the great thinker, the founder of the Turkic Sufi poetry Khodja Akhmed Yassaui. 
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Director-General of the NLRK O.I.Issakhov received the Military attache, brigadier-general of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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On February 2, 2010 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the book “The rose of winds” by Alla Altynova (Galiya Utebekova).
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The National library of the RK is a member of the European digital library “Manuscriptorium”. There at the portal are exhibited the full texts of the rarities of the Centre of rare books and manuscripts of the library.
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The National library of the Republic Kazakhstan on January 23, 2010 organized the exit jubilee book exhibition in the Kazakh State academic theatre of opera and ballet after Abai named “Olen, men seny ayalap etem…”, dedicated to the 70-th jubilee of the People’s writer, winner of the State prize Fariza Ungarsynova.
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