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Friday, September 20, 2024

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There at the National library of the RK took place the presentation of the project “Cultural heritage – the way for the spiritual revival of the people” and the unique book series of the Kazakh folklore “Babalar sozi”.
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On the eve of the Victory Day there in the Centre of cultural programmes of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan opened the book-illustrative exhibition “The hero Bauyrzhan Momyshuly” dedicated to the great son of the Kazakh people, the Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), the legendary colonel, the well-known writer Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.
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On May 6, 2009 there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the ceremony of handing over the books by the General consulate of the Russian Federation in Almaty.
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there at the National library of the RK took place the 1-st meeting of the Scientific Council where there were discussed the main trends and priorities in the scientific-research activity of the NLRK for 2009-2011.
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On April 17, 2009 at 11-00 hours there at the Center of cultural programmes of the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan will take place the presentation of the book by Burkitbayeva U.S. “Zhetysuym – zhety kutym, yrysym”.
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At the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan will take place the presentation of books of the honoured worker of art of the RK, the laureate of the State prize of the RK, the holder of the “Kurmet” Order, the well-known theatrical critic, professor of the Kazakh national academy of arts after T.Zhurgenov Ashirbek Turebayevich Sygai “Akter alemi” in two volumes, “Sakhna alemi”, “An-tagdyr”, “Oi torinde - teatr”.
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The collective of the National library of the RK on the eve of Nauryz holiday actively participated on March 20, 2009 in the all-city traditional clean-up day, there with special care were done the works for the cleaning of the territory.In 2006-2008 there was carried out the capital repair of the library, including the adjoining territory and the surrounding fence by the perimeter.After the clean-up day there took place the solemn meeting of Nauryz. There were invited honorable guests from the organizations of culture and art.
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Congratulations on the Nauryz holiday!
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There at the Center of cultural programmes of the National library of the RK took place the meeting of the heads of the leading publishing-houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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At 10-00 there at the National library of the RK will take place another sitting of the Public Council for the implementation of the strategic “Cultural heritage” national project for 2009-2011 under the chairmanship of M.S.Ashimbayev, deputy head of the Administration of the President of the RK.
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