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Friday, September 20, 2024

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Director-General of the National library of the Republic of Orynbassar Issakhov at the press-conference which took place at the National academic library of the RK, solemnly presented for the fond of the Kaz.NEL 1000 electronic copies of books from the archival fond “Kazakhstan kitaptary”. Altogether more than 100 CD-discs, 25 DVD-discs. Also Directors-General the National libraries signed the Agreements between the NAL of the RK and the NLRK on the participation in the project of formation of the electronic state library fond.
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The Embassy of the PRC to the RK gave for the fond of the Chinese Cultural Center of the National library of the RK the new electronic and print editions:
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By the initiative of the Akimat of the Kzyl-Orda region, the former akim of the region and now the Minister of culture and information of the RK M.A.Kul-Mukhamed there within the framework of the “Cultural heritage” State Programme, the “Foliant” publishing house began the publication of a series of books named “The library of Syr-Darya” (200 volumes) from 2008.
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there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the book by the prose writer Umit Tazhikenova “The vine of Tomarisk”.
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there at the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the book by the rector of Kainar university, professor E.S.Omarov “The history of Kazakh civilization” published in the People’s Republic of China in 2008.
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the National library of the RK jointly with the Embassy of Pakistan to Kazakhstan holds the Seminar by the theme “The Kashmir Solidarity Day”.   
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the National library of the RK was visited by the Minister of Culture and Information of the RK M.A.Kul-Mukhammed
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The National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in January, 2009 installed for the attention of its readers the book exhibition named “Muryn-Zhyrau”, dedicated to the 150-th anniversary of the well-known narrator of songs Muryn Sengyrbekuly (1860-1954).
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There at the National library of Republic Kazakhstan from January 16, 2009 opened the exhibition “The Future Development of Friendship between Kazakhstan and India” within the framework of the official visit on January 23 – 26, 2009 of the President of the RK Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev as the Main Guest at the celebration of the Republic Day of India.
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At 11-00 there at the Lesser hall of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the presentation of the photo-collection of the member of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan, photo-correspondent of the newspaper “Almaty Akshamy” Samat Kusainov named “Sarysudyn syrly surety”
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