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Friday, September 20, 2024

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The National library of the RK participated in the organization of the exhibition dedicated to the opening of the Palace of peace and concordance and the carrying out of the congress of leaders of the world and traditional religions. There upon the exhibitions will be presented the rare editions from the fond of the NLRK.
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Director-General of the NLRK M.M.Auezov participated in the opening ceremony of the Palace of peace and concordance in Astana city.
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The National library of the RK was opened for readers. There is finished the first stage of the capital repair of the building and engineer communications of the NLRK.
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There was presented to the readers of the National library of the RK the exhibition “Boz dalaga bauyr basyp…” in the Centre of cultural programs of the NLRK dedicated to the centenary of I.P.Shukhov.
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Deputy Director-General of the NLRK Balabekova G.K. took part in the work of the 72-nd IFLA General Conference and Council in Seoul, Korea.
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By the invitation of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Director-General of the NLRK M.M.Auezov took part in the tour of the delegation from Kazakhstan with the purpose of becoming acquainted with Pakistan, its policy, national economy and education and meetings with representatives of scientific-research institutions.
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The workers of the NLRK from June 23 to 30 visited Orenburg city where there was concluded the agreement on cooperation for the implementation of the Russian-Kazakhstani project “The meetings at the boundaries” between the Regional Universal Scientific library after M.Mametova of Uralsk city and the RUSL after N.K.Krupskaya of Orenburg city
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There under the chairmanship of M.Kul-Mukhamed will take place the next sitting of the Public Council of the “Cultural heritage” State Programme in the National academic library of the RK (Astana city).
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Thanks to the sponsor assistance of “Tenghizchevroil” company nine workers of the National library participated in the 13-th international conference “The library and informational resources in the modern world of science, culture, education and business” in Sudak city, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine from June 10 to 18, 2006. All participants of the conference from the NLRK prepared speeches and their electronic presentations, took part in the work of different sections, seminars, panels, exhibition etc.
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There in the National library of the RK will take place the presentation of the “Cultural heritage” State Programme pertaining to the stay of a group of leading Russian journalists and experts in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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