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About the library / Library structure / Reference-bibliographical and information work department

Reference-bibliographical and information work department

The head of the department:
Rakhimova Anar Karipbayevna  
The contact telephone: +7-727-267-28-62
050013, Almaty city, Abai av., 14.

The main trends:

- The reference-bibliographical servicing;
- The execution of oral and written informations;
- The organization of access to the electronic information;
- The organization and maintenance of the traditional card-catalogues;
- The reference-consultation srevicing of readers;
- The consultation on information search and implementation of the order in the elctronic catalogue.
The main functions:
The reference-bibliographical and information work
- the consultation of readers on the issues of use of the bibliographical manuals and Internet resources;
- the formation of the fond of the traditional reference-bibliographical manuals, electronic editions and Data-bases;
- the organization of access for the readers of the NLRK to the bibliographical, reference and electronic full-text informational resources;
- the organization of access to the data-bases of the full-text sources in legislative and normative documents “Paragraph” and “Etalon”; 
- the execution of informations (thematic, defining, factographic, statistical etc).
The maintenance of the catalogues
- in the specialized catalogues’ hall there are situated the following print catalogues
1. For the fond “Kazakhstan kitaptary”:
- The alphabetic catalogue in the Kazakh language;
- The systematic catalogue in the Kazakh and Russian languages.
2. For the general fond:
- The alphabetic catalogue in the Russian language;
- The systematic catalogue in the Russian language (equipped with the Alphabetic-subject index - ASI).
3. For the fond of the abstracts of theses:
- The alphabetic catalogue in the Kazakh and Russian languages;
- The systematic catalogue in the Kazakh and Russian languages
There in the catalogues’ hall are installed computers for readers for the work in the Electronic catalogue of the National library of the Republic Kazakhstan for the search of literature in 16 data-bases.

The electronic catalogue contains also the attached full-text documents:

As of 01.03.2012 there are attached altogether 16213 documents, from among them:

- The archival fond “Kazakhstan kitaptary” – 2978 books;
- Other catalogues – 20 books;
- The bibliographical data-base “Kazakhstan: the past and the present” – 826 articles;
- The bibliographical data-base “Kazakstan: otkeny men byugyni” – 528 articles;
- The data-base “N.Nazarbayev” – 11051 articles and 279 books.
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National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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