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Main page
Informational Center for Researchers of Kazakhstan

The Centre belongs to the Dissertations department of the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

2-nd floor, the right wing

The Centre has been created for the purposes of informational support of the scientific activity of young researchers, scientific workers, the staff of the scientific-research institutes of the RK.

The resources of the Centre:

  • The topical news of science and education in the sphere of research activity,
  • The information about the forthcoming defenses in the scientific establishments of Kazakhstan,
  • The access to the texts of the abstracts of theses at the place of defense,
  • The catalogue of dissertations of the Kazakhstani scientists beginning 1992,
  • The catalogue of abstracts of theses including the CIS countries,
  • The informational resources of the scientific establishments of Kazakhstan.


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National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Разработка веб-сайтов, интернет-магазинов, хостинг в Казахстане, программирование